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Despite all the sturm und drang about him, President Trump's approval rating has hovered around 40% for several months.

Why do you think this is? And are these polls as inaccurate as those that promised a Clinton victory last November?

Posted - August 1, 2017


  • 2500
    How do you get from "dictating his son's SWORN testimony" (hell of a memory that kid must have, by the way) to "perjury"? It's only perjury if the testimony presented is untrue. If the President discussed the matter with his son prior to his son's testifying it's no different that a lawyer discussing upcoming testimony with a witness that's about to testify; VERY common in the USA's system of jurisprudence. Now, if the upcoming testimony is "colored" in any way (other than refreshing memories of the truth) it's a different matter. But there's no evidence that that's what actually happened.

    And speaking of Bill Clinton, his popularity was as low as 36% at one point (not that being President of the United States is a congeniality contest) so that whole point is moot.
      August 6, 2017 3:26 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Why?  I neither know nor care.  I can evaluate him quite well on my own.  
      August 2, 2017 7:39 PM MDT

  • 739
    The most recent poll, conducted by Quinnipiac University and published only yesterday, puts his approval rating at an all time low of 33%, with a disapproval rating of 61%.
      August 4, 2017 8:39 AM MDT

  • 2500
    So the Office of the President is supposed to be a popularity / congeniality contest? I want a President that does an effective job, not one who cowtows to every "special interest". We just had that for 8-years and we're deeper in the muck now than ever before.
      August 6, 2017 4:25 PM MDT

  • 739
    Do you think he is doing an effective job? He is an idiot, and makes America look ridiculous! As for "special interests," what about Vladimir Putin?
      August 7, 2017 8:11 AM MDT

  • 2500
    You obviously absorb too much of the mainstream media's propaganda. That has caused you to form an irrationally negative opinion of Mr. Trump and of the USA.

    And what about Mr. Putin? Yet more mainstream media propaganda you're buying into. They've learned well from Soviet era Tass and Pravda.

      August 7, 2017 8:04 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Ahh sucks if you have such biased reporting and lack of freedom there .. .fortunately we get real news and our *opinions* are usually based on HIS OWN WORDS in the case of Trump.. hard to argue with that really but we understand those under the influence of such a repulsive liar would find it hard to see that.
      August 8, 2017 2:20 PM MDT

  • 2500
    No, you don't, actually. Your news is every bit as biased as any where else in the world, if not more so. 

    And as to Trumps own words . . . unless you're reading his "tweets" I doubt that your hearing HIS OWN WORDS. If you think otherwise let me introduce you to a wide variety of audio and video editing software. You can make the Pope sound like he's encouraging all Catholics to start killing babies. So you calling Trump a compulsive liar is just plain wrong; sounds like sour grapes over some beef you have with him, or the States. 
      August 8, 2017 3:07 PM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL you would say that wouldn't you.. it's all FAKE news isn't it.. never mind that we can see the imbecile speaking.. you would rather believe he's being edited.. tampered with.. such is the ability to suspend belief among the Trump supporters.. that's probably the most worrying thing.. .to be honest.. I long since wrote such people off they are unsavable for sure.. they deserve what they get from their prez.. it's only a shame innocent and nice Americans have to suffer alongside. :(
      August 11, 2017 10:47 AM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL you would say that wouldn't you.. it's all FAKE news isn't it.. never mind that we can see the imbecile speaking.. you would rather believe he's being edited.. tampered with.. such is the ability to suspend belief among the Trump supporters.. that's probably the most worrying thing.. .to be honest.. I long since wrote such people off they are unsavable for sure.. they deserve what they get from their prez.. it's only a shame innocent and nice Americans have to suffer alongside. :(
      August 11, 2017 10:47 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Agree with HarryD - and it's not even about popularity.. isn't there a little something in the US governance about the need for the govt to serve the people.. If Strumpet has an approval or popularity rate below a certain level then logic dictates that he cannot be serving the people..  It's one thing to cowtow to every special interest but quite another to SERVE only the interests of a very, very small minority of rich plebs, especially where that's detrimental to the country as a whole.   The last point is conjecture at the moment, it's true but it isn't like Strumpet has actually done ANY good so far.. all he's done, is as HarryD says - make the US look ridiculous. 
      August 7, 2017 2:05 PM MDT

  • 2500
    It is absolutely about popularity with these polls with very heavy bias from the media influencing knee-jerk reactions of a minuscule and biased "range" of samples. Government moves at the speed of molasses in a freezer so tomorrow's polls about today's activities are meaningless from other than a popularity point of view. Absolutely no way they're a reflection of actual results.

    As to serving the interests of a very, very small minority of the rich (plebes are freshmen at naval and other military academies, by the way, or "average" Roman citizens "back in the day") you have to look at the RESULTS, not the media rhetoric. And that indicates that the Obama administration was terrible for that. Those very wealthy people you refer to are the ONLY ones that did well during Obama's administration, particularly Obama's campaign contributors ala Solyndra. It is interesting that those in power managed to pull that off without economic growth (which was an anemic 1.9% during Obama's last year), especially in the stock market where a lot of people have their retirement savings. Must have all been done by scamming the US taxpayers. Trump will have to go a long way to equal that poor performance. (The market hit another high again today, by the way.) And before you point to stock market performance being a benefit only for the rich keep in mind that almost everyone in the States has their retirement money parked there.

    As to what he's actually done? Let's see . . . his excellent Supreme Court Justice appointee for starters. (If he accomplishes nothing other than THAT it will make his administration worthwhile.)  Add to that much improved border and military security (and both getting better by the day), the rapidly improving economy (businesses are very much encouraged by his actions with lifting useless, harmful Federal regulations and policies and pending tax reform efforts), And those are just the high points. Now if the swamp leaches, those parasites in DC, would stop being so damn obstructionist then a LOT more could be chalked up in the plus column; and it will happen.
      August 8, 2017 2:06 PM MDT

  • 6477
    And none of that changes what I said, or what the op said. You mustn't forget that this shockingly biased reporting you seem to suffer from there, we don't have and especially as we are objective in this we are able to see the whole thing without blinkers or bias when reported here.  As I have said before and am likely to again - our dislike of such a weaselly uncouth lying goit is based purely on him himself, his actions and his own words.. 
    Re popularity.. in a democracy the govt is supposed to represent and act in the best interests of the country and the populace.. you even have it written into your system..  

    Oh we DO look at results. definitely and from where we sit, and most of your own citizens.. there are NO results!  He's done diddly squat 

    LOL you do amuse me but waste your ire in talking about Obama.. You seem to think I support him? He was ok... didn't much like the Brits but sure he was at least sane compared to Trump so yea I'd much prefer the US were in his hands.. His words, his intelligence make Trump look like an escaped imbecile.  I judge by results and I judge by the individual in as much as I care. 
      August 8, 2017 2:30 PM MDT

  • 2500
    Not in your limited way of thinking, I'm sure.

    And yes, you do have "shockingly biased reporting", just like we do. You're "press" is VERY far from being "objective". I occasionally read UK newspapers WEB sites and listen to and occasionally watch the BBC. No one reports just the facts anymore. It's a competition thing to get more eyeballs or ears.

    And just where did I say that you liked Obama? That's a very vivid imagination you have working there. I merely referenced his administration to show that he was far worse than Trump when it comes to rewarding only the wealthy.

    Frankly, we don't give a damn what you think of the USA or of our President. The UK long ago faded from the world stage. You're not so much as an afterthought to the rest of the world today. An elderly has-been just trying to get attention. And you'll be remembered by history as one of the worst civilizations to darken the face of this planet.

    This post was edited by Salt and Red Pepper at August 8, 2017 3:14 PM MDT
      August 8, 2017 3:01 PM MDT

  • 6477
    LOL limited thinking eh?? Lol now now was that an attempt at a personal insult?? I always find that when people start resorting to that it's a pretty good indicator that they are the ones who are limited.. they have clearly run out of articulation and the ability to reason and debate.. Now of course I wouldn't dream of applying that to you, oh no surely not. 

    Re news and impartiality.. well see the danger is that when one is severely biased  - one is unable to accept the truth and free reporting.. one is blinkered by one's beliefs.. and what is real news is dismissed as fake.. or biased.. the war cry fake news pretty much describes the actions of those hearing something they don't want to consider is true..  The BBC reports both sides.. as does the Times.. various other media report according to their own stance, just as you have there but overall the access to unbiased reporting is way more here.. and mostly not suffering from any bias here, *don't forget it doesn't affect us all that much if you guys want a nut-job loony for a prez -  we are free to consider the facts..

    Oh well re Obama.. I did wonder what on earth you were going on about.. one would be forgiven for thinking you thought I gave a toss.. lol I've experienced that so often on here - people who don't like my objective view and the repercussions start accusing me of supporting Hilary or Obama. Nope.. just they sounded sane and Trump doesn't.. simples.

    It's the sheer isolation and inability to know what's really going on that gets me about some elements of the states.. I refer to it often.. we know most of them don't even know where India is on the map.. and most don't have a passport.. so we really cant expect too much from some of them.. And the same goes with the clear twisting of facts.. that you referred to Japs as evil for killing 2000 people while in the same breath condoning and praising the killing of 200,000 innocent people.. just says it all - as does the seeming lack of knowledge about Americas CURRENT exploitation and raping of resources and entirely forgetting that our dark history was during far more barbaric times when France, SPain, Portugal, Germany and Holland were doing just as evil, if not more so things.. Funny how that eternally gets forgotten in the US ire... but that again just says it all.. clearly they haven't taken the time to get familiar with world history.. but then again given that some of them can't point to Mexico on a map even that's hardly surprising! 

    I would say that thankfully not all Americans are intellectually challenged.. there are some truly awesome Americans who can totally floor me with their logic and world knowledge... These people tell me, reassuringly that those are the majority of Americans and the dipstick ones are the minority.. I ask them how they live with such ignorance in their midst :P

    And yet again we reach an impasse... anyone who cannot see that the killing of 200,000 and others is disproportionate and not something to be proud of... isn't someone who's really going to be able to engage in a useful and fruitful debate. In other words there's no point trying to reason with some people so I will leave it there just as I leave  those who support the ugly idiot of a prez to their own punishment.. many times I have seen AMerica learn lessons the hard way. . this will be another.. It's just a shame innocent people suffer alongside them :(   As to the idea that America is seen as a country others look up to on the international stage.... well I am afraid that's not been the case for a long time.. I am not sure why some people there in their extreme patriotism cannot accept that.. but back to that isolationist and lack of world knowledge I susepect.. 
      August 8, 2017 3:26 PM MDT

  • 739
    You are wasting your time, Daydream. Salt, and those of his ilk, have bought into Chump's brainwashing. It's Orwellian; the Ministry of Truth tells lies. Everything that is true is dismissed by Donald as "fake news," and lies are promoted as the truth. I agree with you 100% about the rest of the world no longer looking up to America. That regard has been going down for years, and Trump has killed off the last dregs of it, probably irreparably, and as he is putting America first, playing down it's engagement with the world, what does anyone expect? Some of those who supported Donald are seeing the light. The rest will still insist, even after he has been taken away in handcuffs for his treasonous links to Russia, that it was all a liberal plot.
      August 11, 2017 8:22 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Yes, I know.. you are so completely right.. It's hard for us to understand why they seem to believe utterly insane things and instead believe truth is fake news.  I am not a fan of conspiracy theories but one could almost believe people are being fed strange substances or, as you say being literally brainwashed.. Sad for them but even sadder for those good Americans who don't deserve all this.
      August 11, 2017 10:49 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I LOVE the way you act like "around 40 percent" is a good figure to quote.

    Despite all the sturm und drang about him, he has HORRIBLE numbers.  Not despite, BECAUSE of it.

    And it is not "around 40 percent".  IT is way less than that. 

      August 4, 2017 8:46 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I'm not judging it as good, bad, or indifferent, just discussing it. But the fact is that the average of numerous polls has been in the neighborhood of 40% for several months. You may, based on your own bias, decide if that's good or otherwise. As with any president, some like him and many don't. Trump is no different in that regard, all of your hysteria notwithstanding.
      August 4, 2017 11:20 AM MDT