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What's the happiest argument you've ever had with anyone?


Posted - July 22, 2016


  • 46117

    The ones where I reduce the opponent to such horrific shreds, it takes them years of therapy to recover.  Those are my best moments.  Well.... YOU would know.

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      July 22, 2016 1:18 PM MDT

  • 6988

     Back in the day, I was always in arguments with girlfriends. We would always end up, well, you know. Then we would end up doing, uh, stuff. I would take her in my arms and, well use your imagination.

      July 22, 2016 1:40 PM MDT

  • 1264

    Who goes first in pleasing the other.

      July 22, 2016 1:44 PM MDT

  • 44765

    I could only answer this in the adult section.

      July 22, 2016 4:40 PM MDT

  • 53693
      July 23, 2016 6:05 AM MDT

  • 53693

    Ok, hang up, please.
    No, you hang up.
    You first.
    You first.
    YOU first.
    I hung up first the last time, now it's your turn.
    Ok, on the count of three we both hang up at the same time. Deal?
    Who counts; you or me?
    You count.
    No, you count.
    No, YOU!
    Fine, we'll both count together and on three we hang up.
    Are you sure you'll hang up?
    Of course I'm going to hang up. Why wouldn't I?
    Because you'll trick me. I'll hang up on the count of three and you won't, so it will look as if I've hung up on you.
    Do you really think I'd do something like that?
    Just like that? "Yes"?
    Just like that, yes.
    Why would I trick you?
    To be a meanie-weanie.
    Ok, what if I promise not to be a meanie?
    A meanie-weanie.
    Oh, I forgot that part.
    Not thinking about the full weanie, hmmmmm. That's typical of you. So do you?
    Do I what?
    Do you promise not to trick me, meanie-weanie?
    I promise, just quit calling me that.
    Ha ha, I made you promise!
    It's a good thing you did, too.
    Why is that?
    Because I had SO planned to trick you, ha ha ha ha.
    I knew it! Meanie!
    No weanie?
    No, no weanie.
    Not even an itsy-bitsy weanie?
    Well . . .
    Aha! I got you!
    You're just trying to distract me, to make me forget who's hanging up first.
    How about if we play Rock, Paper, Scissors?
    Over the phone? You're silly.
    Are you ready to count to three?
    Nope, I've changed my mind now, you hang up first.
    No, you.
    No, you.
    I'm not going to. You do it.
    I won't do it either, you do it.
    I ain't gonna.
    I'm going to tell Randy D you said that.
    Who gives a flip about Randy D? I'll bend him in half and break his back. Now say goodbye and hang up.
    I will not, you hang up.
    You first.
    Nope, you.
    Do it, DO IT NOW!
    I'm not going to do it, so you have to.
    I do not.
    I don't either.
    Yes you do; I told you to.
    Make me.
    Hang up.
    I will.
    As soon as you do.
    I'm not doing it until after you do it first.
    Let's count to ten.
    Nope, you just hang up first. No counting.
    You first.
    Me second.
    Hang up!
    Do it! Do it now!
    You're demanding.
    You hang up first, ok?
    YOU hang up first.

    . . .
      July 23, 2016 11:51 AM MDT