My sister-in-law. She was clinically dead for three minutes before being revived - recounts floating above her body, seeing the tunnel and the light ... but unable to reach it because her paternal grandmother (who had been dead for five years) was barring the way. "Not yet, little one" Nanna said - and the next thing she remembers is waking in agony with seven broken ribs.
HAHA simply put it is the light of Consciousness beyond the Physical plane Anyone can see it, experience it, become one with it, through deep meditation. When the mind is still, with no thoughts running through it, when the Ego has dissolved, you have access to it.
Many individuals have gone through this experience, as a result of hallucinations brought on by severe physical trauma.
This post was edited by Autumnleaves at February 12, 2018 11:42 PM MST