Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » Are ATHEISTS anti-birth control or only religious folks, especially CHRISTIANS?

Are ATHEISTS anti-birth control or only religious folks, especially CHRISTIANS?

Posted - November 7, 2017


  • 135
    There is no dogma within atheism, each atheist is an individual, some may be for it, some against and some simply do not have an opinion or even care. If you consider the numbers, there must be millions of christians using birth control but of course some would consider these to not be 'true christians', isn't religion wonderful?
      November 7, 2017 11:19 AM MST

  • 113301
    I shall respond to your last 3 words first DCLXVI! I think religion is wonderful for those who aren't phonies/fakes/scammmers and con artists. The ones who self-righteously quote you bible verses and regularly attend church who belong to the KKK for example or vote for a most despotic evil man for prez. Just like those folks who are viciously anti-LGBTQ but actually have a same-gender honey on the side or those "family first" liars who are married and have pregnant mistresses they hope to he** no one will learn about. I do not like phonies of any kind at all. SIGH. I think being anti-birth control and also anti-abortion is illogical in the extreme. Don't you? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 8, 2017 2:07 AM MST

  • 135
    I think you have just decimated the christian population from about 2000000000 to 200
      November 8, 2017 10:21 AM MST

  • 7280
    It is inaccurate to clarify Christians as "anti-birth control."  (Yes, I know it is referred to as Vatican Roulette, but that is not entirely accurate.  If one learns and does it properly it, it is quite effective.)  Even the Pope has made the comment that married people should not breed "like rabbits."

    While the Catholic magisteriam teaches against it, it is still ultimately matter of individual conscience.

    If I had to guess, I would suspect that atheists would see birth control as a practical matter only, since the American Atheists website defines atheism as a "lack of belief in gods"---but of course, I do not speak for them.)
      November 7, 2017 11:37 AM MST

  • 135
    I do not believe the Christian or any other god to be real but I know that STD's are very real and not the thing to play 'Vatican Roulette' with.
      November 7, 2017 7:36 PM MST

  • 7280
    If a person uses condoms to avoid STD's, he can still have be against birth control.

    The issues are separate, but I get your point.

    And of course, there is no need for you to believe in any god---just as long as you are aware that any god's existence is unlikely to be contingent upon either yours or my belief.

      November 7, 2017 8:30 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Wednesday! :)
      November 8, 2017 2:08 AM MST

  • 33860
    Catholics are antiBirth control.  
    I don't know any Protestants who are anti birth control.
    Abortion is NOT birth control.
      November 7, 2017 11:40 AM MST

  • 2217
    In spite of the official position, many Catholics practise birth control and do not see it as a matter for confession. 
      November 7, 2017 12:15 PM MST

  • 33860
    Makes sense as the scripture applied is not about birth control but rather disobedience and greed. This post was edited by my2cents at November 7, 2017 8:55 PM MST
      November 7, 2017 12:33 PM MST

  • 7280

    I really get tired of having to correct your answers.  But Catholics are not anti-birth control.  I am one.  I know Catholic teaching a little better than you do.

    Secondly, abortion is classified as an extreme form of birth control.  Whether it is murder (as I think) is not agreed upon by all people.

      November 7, 2017 8:33 PM MST

  • 33860
    A Pope has never said no birth control?
    In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued his landmark encyclical letter Humanae Vitae (Latin, "Human Life"), which reemphasized the Church’s constant teaching that it is always intrinsically wrong to use contraception to prevent new human beings from coming into existence.

    No, abortion is not birth control. Birth control prevents pregancy. Abortion terminates a pregancy. 
      November 7, 2017 8:50 PM MST

  • The Catholic Church is against the use of birth control.  FACT.
      November 8, 2017 12:23 AM MST

  • 14795
    Nuns of the Catholic faith in Irelad threw 860 illegitimate new born babies into a septic tank to kill them not that long ago.....FACT.     
    As yet Nun's been arrested for murder.....The Nuns have also amassed one point five billion pounds in their piggy bank yet still plead poverity........why have Nun been charged with baby Genicide and executed for their most horrific crimes ...... Why does the law and the Irish government protect these ****b
      November 8, 2017 1:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my god! :(
      November 8, 2017 2:12 AM MST

  • 33860
    Do you have a link to the Nun story? If true they should get the death penalty for such a evil crime.
      November 8, 2017 5:29 AM MST

  • 135
      November 8, 2017 10:28 AM MST

  • 33860
    Thank you...that is what I found as well. 
      November 8, 2017 11:43 AM MST

  • What leads you to believe I have any idea?
      November 8, 2017 5:32 AM MST

  • 33860
    Is this what you are talking about? In Ireland, a mass grave of children found?

      November 8, 2017 10:46 AM MST

  • 113301
    Where in my question does it say abortion is birth control? The people who are anti-birth control and also anti-abortion are illogical in the extreme in my opinion. Thank you for your reply m2c and Happy Wednesday to thee. I wish you would answer the question I ask and not include whatever baggage you carry to taint it. It muddies the waters and changes the conversation because I have to spend time calling your attention to your lack of attention to the question I asked. SIGH. This post was edited by RosieG at November 8, 2017 2:11 AM MST
      November 8, 2017 2:11 AM MST

  • 33860
    I just always make it clear when discussing my opinion on birth control that abortion is not the same. Many pro-choice people imply that abortion is lumped into it under the banner of women's health care rights.

    In fact if you look above it was claimed that abortion was a form of birth control. This post was edited by my2cents at November 8, 2017 5:31 AM MST
      November 8, 2017 5:26 AM MST

  • 2657
    Curious, why are you against birth control?
      November 7, 2017 4:59 PM MST

  • 135
    Who is your comment meant for?
      November 7, 2017 6:37 PM MST