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Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » You will have guests in one hour. You room smells like putrid farts. What do you do?

You will have guests in one hour. You room smells like putrid farts. What do you do?

*They are the type to enter your room (you share a house with other people and don't have other spaces to hang).

Posted - June 26, 2016


  • 167

    Fabreeze it seems to work in the commercials.

      June 26, 2016 9:52 AM MDT

  • 46117

    1.  The only way that would happen is if some disaster occurred like my toilet backing up.  My house is always clean.  Or at LEAST clean-smelling. 

    2.  The only guests that would be coming is someone to fix said plumbing.

    I would never have anyone over if my home was unkempt.  No matter how screwed up my life is, my house is clean.

      June 26, 2016 9:56 AM MDT

  • 22891

    invite your guest to go out to eat with you so they dont see your room

      June 26, 2016 7:51 PM MDT