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What is something you need to stop doing? STAT?

Posted - January 13, 2018


  • 17036
      January 13, 2018 10:26 PM MST

  • I feel that .. thank you 
      January 13, 2018 10:27 PM MST

  • 17653
    I need to stop eating sugar.  It is the single most likely cause for inflammation in the body.  If I weren't addicted to those LifeSaver Wintergreen mints it would be a piece of cake.  
      January 13, 2018 11:47 PM MST

  • 46117
    Find ones that are sugar free, and go that route.  Sugar may be a huge contender, but acid producing foods are what causes the inflammation, not sugar alone.  Coffee is a big deal.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 1, 2019 10:39 AM MDT
      January 14, 2018 9:05 AM MST

  • 17653
    Sugar is the single most inflammatory food.  It is not a group.  To say acidic foods is to suggest a group of foods that can be discussed as to acidity and therefore, possible inflammatory issues.  With sugar, it's a sure thing. 

    Both coffee and black tea actually protect against inflammation.  There is plenty of research to support this; there was a study released earlier this year from Stanford supporting the benefits of coffee when it comes to inflammation.  Also, this:  Coffee, which contains polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory compounds, may protect against inflammation, as well. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at April 3, 2021 4:02 AM MDT
      March 3, 2018 11:00 PM MST

  • 46117
    I've studied nutrition all my life.  You are preaching to the choir.   I am not here to debate how much worse one is than the other.

    Coffee is dangerous and acid producing.  So is sugar.  If you drink one and don't eat the other, good for you.  You can still get all kinds of bad effects.

    So, who cares?  Avoid them both and you will be better off sometimes, because everyone's body and system is different.  Trust me.  I can eat sugar and someone else can eat half as much as I do and get diabetes.

    I can drink pots of coffee and someone else can develop pancreatic cancer from it.  So it is silly to debate what is worse and what percent of anything is worse than anything else.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 12, 2018 8:59 PM MDT
      March 5, 2018 7:51 AM MST

  • I had given up all sugar except what is found naturally in fruit,  for about 7 Months before the holidays... I fell off wagon at Christmas. I'm going to give it up again soon,  but first i have to eat a whole key lime pie. I guess I will buy one this week then. 
      January 15, 2018 7:35 PM MST

  • 17653
    Did you feel better when off of the sugar.  I'm older than you are and I know that my body feels better when I eat no or little sugar.  I just love sweets and have let it go way too long.  
      January 15, 2018 7:51 PM MST

  • I felt so good once off  sugar, and honestly only takes about two weeks to lose all cravings for it. 
      January 15, 2018 7:55 PM MST

  • Find the right balance between all the tasks competing for my attention,
    and time off to relax and recover.
      January 14, 2018 12:27 AM MST

  • I think we all need that :)
      January 15, 2018 7:36 PM MST

  • 5835
    Um, ... I don't remember.

    When the memory goes, forget it!

      January 14, 2018 2:14 AM MST

  • 17653
      January 14, 2018 2:44 PM MST

  • Lol :)
      January 15, 2018 7:36 PM MST

  • 5808
    cursing out the slow drivers in front of me
    when driving.

      January 14, 2018 9:01 AM MST

  • I find it hard to believe you curse.. learn something new about you then :)
      January 15, 2018 7:37 PM MST

  • 46117
    Why would I need to stop doing anything when I am perfection?

    Why mess?

      January 14, 2018 9:03 AM MST

  • Carry on as you are then ;)
      January 15, 2018 7:38 PM MST

  • 44742
      January 14, 2018 10:12 AM MST

  • 17036
    Try NRT. Worked for me.
      January 14, 2018 3:39 PM MST

  • 44742
    What is that?
      January 14, 2018 4:00 PM MST

  • 17036
    Nicotine replacement therapy. Delivers a preset amount of nicotine subdermally via a skin patch, to offset the cravings. Wean yourself slowly.
      January 16, 2018 2:10 AM MST

  • 44742
    I can think of something  better I would rather use to replace it.
      January 16, 2018 7:21 AM MST

  • 17036
    Won't stop the cravings, the receptors that respond to THC aren't the same ones thst are triggered by nicotine.
      January 16, 2018 9:40 AM MST