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For what causes were you ever stopped by police, then released with a caution or an apology?

Posted - February 2, 2018


  • 7939
    I have only been pulled over once in the past 15 years or so, and it was a little over a year ago. It was maybe 11pm and I wanted a burger. I pulled out of my neighborhood and into the far lane- there were two lanes going the direction I was and I went for the left lane, not the right like I should have. I drove about 1/4 mile to the next light and turned left, but again, moved into a different lane as I turned- the farthest right of three lanes- and then the lights came on behind me... right at the freaking restaurant. The cop said he pulled me over because I was speeding. 1) Impossible. I have an ancient van. There's no way I got over 45mph in 1/4 mile. However, he also added that my lane changes mid-turn made me look like a drunk driver and that's what he was out looking for that night. He asked me if I had been drinking, and I gave him my best midwest sounding "Oh gosh no." When he asked for my license, I was so nervous I inadvertently dumped my entire purse on the seat next to me. He eventually got tired of me saying, "I know it's here somewhere..." that he politely suggested I be more organized in the future and not drive like a drunk woman. I thanked him for his time and got my cheeseburger. :) My family thinks it's hilarious that I got pulled over for "drunk driving" because I almost never drink, let alone drink and drive, and they all give me crap about my driving to begin with. Oops. Lesson learned. I never switch lanes while turning anymore... at least at those two intersections... without looking for cops first.
      February 2, 2018 4:12 PM MST

  • 2219
    Got caught in a speed trap on holiday.

    If I'd taken the chance to argue my case I might well have been let off with a warning. 

      February 2, 2018 4:31 PM MST

  • 17039
    Chaining myself to a bulldozer. The last habitat of the long-footed potoroo in the state of New South Wales, as well as one of very few healthy koala colonies (most are infected with marsupial herpes) was clear-felled. I was one of those who tried to stop it. Arrested, held for a few hours then released with a warning.
      February 2, 2018 5:33 PM MST

  • 10786
    Drunk driving (I have never drunk a drop of alcohol in my life) - 

    I was headed to work at 2am on a deserted freeway.  To avoid a bad stretch of roadway, I pulled into lane 1 for about 100 yards and then returned to lane 2.  As I'm exiting the freeway, a city cop pulls up behind me.  At the light, I turn east towards my place of work.  Suddenly teh cop turns on the red light.  now there was no shoulder in this place, so i very slowly (using signals) goto a place where I could safely pull over (stopping in middle of an intersection is illegal under any circumstances (CA vehicle code)).  After about 150 feet, I come to a place where I can pull over, and I stop.  There are now 4 city cops surrounding me.  An officer approaches my car, shining a bright light into my eyes.  She asked me for my license and registration.  then she asks me what I'm doing.  I said going to work.  She asked,where.  I said I'm a manager at the grocery store across the street.  She asked how long.  I replied, 18 years.  She Asked me why I didn't pull over immediately when she lighted me.  I Told her it was unsafe (and illegal).  She said because I didn't that I was considered belligerent (thus the other 3 cop cars).  Shen then asked me if I knew why she'd pulled me over.  It was because I failed to signal when I changed lanes on the freeway (at 2 in the morning on a deserted freeway??).  To her that meant I might be drunk.  (seriously???  HOw many people signal when changing lanes on a freeway even at rush hour???)  ANyway, she apologized profusely and let me go.  My coworkers got a kick out of it and never let me live it down.
    Speeding - I was doing 78 in a 55 zone (my speedometer said 85).

    While Coming home from college, I pulled onto a 3-lane freeway alongside a semi and floored it. Unfortunately, I didn't see the  highway patrol car on the other side of the semi.  oops!  As Isat alongside a busy freeway, this large muscular cop walks up towards my car with his with hand on his gun (that'll put a stain on the seat).  He ran my info then let me off with a warning. (whew!)  I never exceeded 55 mph for the rest of the time I went to college.
      February 2, 2018 5:43 PM MST

  • 53676

    once i was pulled over bye da Grammer Po-lice 'cuz i wroted rong,but than i jest let them no i wuz werking udder cover on a sting opporayshun sew They leted meego
      February 3, 2018 12:04 AM MST

  • 22891
    no, i dont get in trouble with the police
      February 3, 2018 3:50 PM MST