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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Either/or. You lose a civil lawsuit but cannot pay the restitution, so the judge gives you a choice:

Either/or. You lose a civil lawsuit but cannot pay the restitution, so the judge gives you a choice:

Live for six months in the house of the tilde and grammar guy and serve as his butler for no pay . . .


Live for six months in the house of trash bag guy and serve as his butler for no pay . . .

Posted - February 3, 2018


  • 17088
    The tilde guy. He wouldn't ask me to wear a clean, unused black plastic trash bag as a butler's uniform. 
      February 3, 2018 4:26 AM MST

  • 22891
    probably the 2nd one
      February 3, 2018 2:47 PM MST