Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » POLL: what percentage of the time can you control whether or not you burp? ~

POLL: what percentage of the time can you control whether or not you burp? ~

1. Zero - never. It's involuntary. 

2. 10 - hardly ever. I'd have to put too much thought and effort into holding back. 

3. 25 - about a quarter of the time. It depends on what I've been eating. 

4. 50 - sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

5. 75 - I mastered that after age three or four, haven't had much of a problem since. 

6. 90 - ok, one slipped out after lunch yesterday, so sue me.

7.  100 - What's wrong with you?  I was raised properly, Randolph.

8. None of the above/other answer. 

Posted - February 9, 2018


  • 1713
    I always just let it out through my nose. Burps are like farts, you can feel it coming and decide if you wanna sneak it out or not. Farts are harder to sneak out though, they're a bit trickier and sometimes it's not actually a fart and you regret releasing it..
      February 9, 2018 6:56 PM MST

  • 53559

    1. Zero - never. It's involuntary.

    2. 10 - hardly ever. I'd have to put too much thought and effort into holding back.

    3. 25 - about a quarter of the time. It depends on what I've been eating.

    4. 50 - sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

    5. 75 - I mastered that after age three or four, haven't had much of a problem since.

    6. 90 - ok, one slipped out after lunch yesterday, so sue me.

    7. 100 - What's wrong with you? I was raised properly, Randolph.

    8. None of the above/other answer.
      February 10, 2018 4:47 AM MST

  • 46117
    I will never belch if I control what I put in my mouth.

    It's a no-brainer.

    You drink a soda, you belch.   You eat beans you will belch from one hole or the other.

    You get the idea.

    Proper food combining.  No belch.  Ever.

    Nope.  Nada. Zip.  and Zilch too.
      February 9, 2018 7:45 PM MST

  • 53559

    1. Zero - never. It's involuntary.

    2. 10 - hardly ever. I'd have to put too much thought and effort into holding back.

    3. 25 - about a quarter of the time. It depends on what I've been eating.

    4. 50 - sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

    5. 75 - I mastered that after age three or four, haven't had much of a problem since.

    6. 90 - ok, one slipped out after lunch yesterday, so sue me.

    7. 100 - What's wrong with you? I was raised properly, Randolph.

    8. None of the above/other answer.
      February 10, 2018 4:47 AM MST

  • 5835
    A burp often results from swallowing air. Nervous women are said to be especially good at that trick. Drink more milk, or take calcium pills.
      February 10, 2018 12:52 AM MST

  • 53559

    (I'm not seeking advice on how to avoid it.)

    1. Zero - never. It's involuntary.

    2. 10 - hardly ever. I'd have to put too much thought and effort into holding back.

    3. 25 - about a quarter of the time. It depends on what I've been eating.

    4. 50 - sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.

    5. 75 - I mastered that after age three or four, haven't had much of a problem since.

    6. 90 - ok, one slipped out after lunch yesterday, so sue me.

    7. 100 - What's wrong with you? I was raised properly, Randolph.

    8. None of the above/other answer.
      February 10, 2018 4:48 AM MST

  • 22891
    probably 100
      February 10, 2018 3:37 PM MST