Most people have a prominent chin. but some do not. It is pretty rare, but you meet them on the bus every now and then. It shows how long recessive traits can persist in a species. None of the other species of apes have much chin. Usually the people who dont have chins are considered stupid. Note that Zero (in Beetle Baily) have no chin I Have talked to several of them and they were as sapient as any other human apparently the genes for chins are not needed for brains.
Sure, some characteristics are readily noticeable and sometimes you have to become more familiar with the person to realize certain character traits. I had a lady friend one time -it took me a while to determine two things about her; being a perfectionist type and also a control freak.
Let me be sure I understand what you asked originally. At face value, your question seems to ask if there are things that can be noticed about different people. I say that there are. In your example about your lady friend, it took some time period for you to pinpoint those particular traits in her, based on getting to know her.
So are you asking for the difference between traits that we notice immediately and the ones that take time? ~
Just any kind of characteristic wheather it's something you notice right away or something that might take time to recognize.
Another characteristic I found about this lady is that she was a 'sexually adventurous' kind of person -that is why I hung around with her for a long time.
This post was edited by Kittigate at March 5, 2018 7:13 AM MST
We are all snowflakes. (Is that racist? Is the fact that I was even thinking that make me racist? I don't know if I should admit it and be cleansed of the idea of being a racist and go on my non-racist way, or if I should stiffle and suffer in silence)
For myself, I find it hard to come up with a unique characteristic . . . But there was a girl with exceptional acuity of vision. I believe she was mentioned in some edition of the Guinness Book of Records. She was exceptional in that she could identify an individual from their facial features at a range of at least a mile. Possibly a unique gift, perhaps not - but certainly noteworthy.
There is no way my mind would ever believe that was true. Unless she is the spawn of satan. I'm talking about the tongue picture if you ever manage to find my comment 50 answers down from your picture. LOL
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 6, 2018 11:20 AM MST