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Other than at home, think about the best teachers you ever had.

What makes them stick out in your mind as being better than other teachers you've had?

Posted - March 12, 2018


  • 10052
    As a young child, the best teachers were those that were extraordinarily kind and patient and made learning fun. 

    Later, the best teachers were those who challenged me to think about things from a different perspective. 
      March 12, 2018 9:19 AM MDT

  • 23814

    He was a high school government teacher, someone whom I initially had not thought so highly of, even though he was a good teacher.

    I remember when I was about 16 or 17 years old and we had just covered in class about the internment camps for Japanese-American citizens during the World War II years. Up until that moment, I had never known the camps had existed.

    I started to cry heavily in my seat during class, disappointed in the USA.

    Much much earlier in my life, I had already been so disappointed learning about slavery in the USA, then this, too.

    To his credit, and to my classmates' credit, I don't remember how he/they handled my crying. I just remember crying.

    For some reason/s I can't pinpoint, I admire him as a teacher.
    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at March 12, 2018 11:31 AM MDT
      March 12, 2018 9:35 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Sounds like typical liberal agenda to make students hate their country.  When I was young we knew about that stuff but they didn't push our faces in it like it was our fault or anything. 
      March 12, 2018 9:41 AM MDT

  • 23814
    The subject was not approached like that at all. He in no way ever taught his class in that way, for us to end up feeling it was our fault or that we should hate our country.
    I don't hate my country and never did -- even at that time sitting in my class crying, I didn't hate it - - but I love the country strongly enough to be disappointed in it at times.

      March 12, 2018 9:46 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Perfect response! You're aces, WelbyQ! 
      March 12, 2018 9:50 AM MDT

  • 23814
    Thanks, SavvyAnsley.
      March 12, 2018 1:01 PM MDT

  • 53634

      I disagree with your take on this, OfficeGirl. There are always facts that are hidden if and when the powers that be do not want them divulged, but that makes for gross inaccuracies as to how history is taught in educational settings. Presenting facts plainly and truthfully, whether they are good facts or bad facts, is more important than taking a liberal approach or a non-liberal approach. Liberals are neither all "saints" nor all "sinners", and the exact same is true of non-liberals. 

      I am a staunch conservative, and I accept the truth that not everything done by conservatives is good, nor is everything done by non-conservatives. 
      March 12, 2018 11:38 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I had a lot of good teachers but I didn't have the attention or the consideration to appreciate them.  Looking back.   Except for a music teacher I later lived with for a year. This post was edited by officegirl at March 12, 2018 3:29 PM MDT
      March 12, 2018 9:37 AM MDT

  • 53634

      In its totality, I do not fully understand your response. If you made the conscious decision to co-habitate with one educator out of all of the ones you've known, doesn't it stand to reason that at least that one person sticks out or at one point stuck out in your mind as being better than the others? (The question does not specify on which grounds you consider that person to have been better than others.)
    -- This post was edited by Randy D at March 12, 2018 3:49 PM MDT
      March 12, 2018 11:42 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I don't fully understand your response either.  I picked him because he was nice to me and we lived together and I had great sex with him. When I was 17, 18 which was over a year after he had been my teacher.  I mostly called him "Mr. _____ " because I guess I still saw him as my teacher in spite of our intimacy.  Might have chosen any number of others had I paid attention to them enough to appreciate them and taken school seriously. I left school at 17 and never came back except for later getting my GED (should mention too that I was dating the guy who gave those tests).  All symptomatic of where I was at the time which was nowhere.  Is that hard to fully understand?
      March 12, 2018 3:39 PM MDT

  • 53634

      In a nutshell, your original answer says, "no, none, except one."  If he is the one you think fits, then the first part of your answer doesn't match the last part and is seemingly unnecessary. 

      March 12, 2018 3:46 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Just think of it as gratuitous. 
      March 12, 2018 3:55 PM MDT

  • 53634

      Would you believe that I'm not going to think of it at all?
      March 12, 2018 3:59 PM MDT

  • 6098
    That would probably make it easier on both of us!
      March 12, 2018 4:00 PM MDT

  • 5835
    Well, there was one who didn't treat me like a criminal. But there weren't any "best" teachers. Only that one who didn't treat me like a criminal.
      March 12, 2018 1:36 PM MDT