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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Notwithstanding being in a country illegally, are there other offenses and/or crimes for which an illegal alien should receive amnesty? ~

Notwithstanding being in a country illegally, are there other offenses and/or crimes for which an illegal alien should receive amnesty? ~

Posted - March 24, 2018


  • 14795
    Their spaceships run out of fuel and their Sat Nav kerps sending them to the wrong places.....oh they've got a puncture and the've left their spare at home.........:(
      March 24, 2018 8:40 PM MDT

  • 33805
    Nothing I can think of...I don't agree with the amnesty for being in the country illegally either.
      March 24, 2018 9:11 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I don't know what Amnesty allows for now.

    I know what Sanctuary allows for. 

    I need Quasimoto and I'm in like Flynn.

    Do we have "sanctuary"?

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at March 25, 2018 7:44 AM MDT
      March 24, 2018 9:34 PM MDT

  • 44540
      March 25, 2018 7:44 AM MDT