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Is there a Revolution Against Democracy for some?

The House Intelligence Committee investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling concluded last month, they found no evidence that Trump's team had colluded with Russians.  Democrats say Republicans failed to interview key witnesses and issue subpoenas to obtain necessary information, charging their colleagues were not interested in uncovering collusion. (Rep. Jackie Speier: GOP report was cooked before it was baked).  Trump said that he was "honored" by the report.


Posted - April 28, 2018


  • 5835
    I don't know of a democracy. Do you? 

    The USA is a constitutional republic.
      April 28, 2018 6:34 PM MDT

  • 2658
    I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too. (snipped)

    Is the United States of America a republic or a democracy?
    By Eugene Volokh May 13, 2015 This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at April 29, 2018 5:58 AM MDT
      April 29, 2018 5:48 AM MDT

  • 5835
    You are trying to cast doubt where no doubt exists. A democracy is where the people vote directly on issues. A republic is where the people elect representatives to vote on issues. Nobody is going to start any fights about that.
      April 29, 2018 6:37 AM MDT

  • 2658
      April 29, 2018 7:22 AM MDT

  • 5835
    Everything would be a lot better if everybody would just agree with me!
      April 29, 2018 8:39 PM MDT

  • 34947
    The USA as a whole is a Constitutional Republic....we the people vote for people to represent us in the government....we never vote directly on any Federal issue. 
    The individual state and local governments are Democratic Republics because the people vote for people to represent us in the local and state governments (Republic) and we the people also vote directly on some issues (Democratic).
      April 29, 2018 7:31 AM MDT

  • 2706
    The key difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic protects the minority. In a democracy, the rule (some call it mob rule) of the majority party is complete and has no appeal process. In a republic, the majority is limited by a constitution. The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, serves as an example of how a constitution can limit majority power in a republic. The first amendment, which guarantees the freedom of speech to all citizens, cannot be overturned by a majority elected to the national government. The only way that the rights granted by the first ten amendments can be taken away is by amending the Constitution.

    The danger inherent in a democracy is that any problems in the ruling party can grant new rights to people or remove rights that people view as fundamental. This state of uncertainty causes the pure democracy to be an unstable form of government. By declaring specific freedoms as rights that cannot be taken away by a simple change in majority, more stability is created. The average folks are able to rest easy knowing that no matter which political party is in power the basic rights of the people remain unchanged. In a democracy, the majority may impose its will on the minority, whereas in a republic the majority is unable to take away inalienable rights. 
      April 30, 2018 10:16 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Yes I think there is.  Many people seem willing to sell their freedom for free food, clothing, and housing. 
      April 29, 2018 6:59 AM MDT

  • 13277
      April 30, 2018 2:49 PM MDT

  • 2658
    Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country. -Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, because this is your country. This is your democracy. Make it. Protect it. Pass it on. -Thurgood Marshall
      May 1, 2018 5:53 AM MDT

  • 22891
    there might be
      May 23, 2018 3:56 PM MDT