Discussion»Questions»Relationships» Guys, she invites you to her place for the first time, and as soon as you step inside, you're greeted by this scene:
It wouldn't bother me a bit as I love cats. Hmmm... I wonder which cat dumped the Friskies? I know which of my cats would do (has done) something like that.
If it were me visiting a guy's place I would say that I hate to be rude but I just cannot tolerate animals in and around a people house. I would suggest going out for dinner or either say goodnight. That kind of animal cohabitation should be made known to probable visitors.
I'd nope right outta there. One cat, or even two or three, I can tolerate. But there comes a time when you just can't keep a place clean when there's that many. The stench knocks you over. I've done jobs for "crazy old cat ladies" more than once - mouth breathing and rushing the job. Carefully watching where I put my feet.