A large concrete ring section of a well, a meter and a half in diameter and half a meter high. I managed to get it upright but then, through the ring I saw that my mother (age 73) had come to help and was standing on the other side of the ring, exactly where my plan B was to dump the ring if I could not hold it. I got utterly scared, Jumped through the ring while pulling back on it with all the strength I had. Luckily it worked, the ring fell back to where it had originally been lying on the ground. She refused to promise to not come and help on my next try, so I left the ring where it was after that. It was just too dangerous.
During a snowstorm, I came upon a car on a highway stuck on the little triangle formed at the fork between east and west. A woman was driving and her husband was standing there wondering what to do. I noticed he was a Marine, and of course, I told him I was in the Navy. We just smiled and picked up the front of the car and pushed it backwards off the triangle. No telling how heavy it was, but we would not be stopped.