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What movie completly changes its plot if you change just one letter in its Title.. Example,Wonderful Wife with James Stewart and Donna Reed

Posted - July 3, 2018


  • 23837
    Thanks, Don Barzini!
      July 3, 2018 6:38 PM MDT

  • 2052
    ROTFLMAO  The River Mild hahahahahaha - These are all really good. Clevah dahling

      July 3, 2018 6:37 PM MDT

  • 23837
    Thanks, Sunshine!
      July 3, 2018 6:39 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It's amazing what guys can achive when I give them chores.....:)D 
      July 4, 2018 1:53 AM MDT

  • 2052
    The Ring and I (The King and I)  The double story of a prizefighter who gets engaged.
      July 3, 2018 6:32 PM MDT

  • 2052
    I win with this one LMAO.
      July 3, 2018 6:34 PM MDT

  • 14795
    I had to read that must be getting
      July 3, 2018 6:36 PM MDT

  • 53689

    Scarface - Scarfact: A documentary about plastic surgery

    The Hunger Games - The Hunger Tames: An evil genius plans to take over the world by threatening starvation

    Troy - Trot: Walk, don't run, to go see this thriller about low-key horse-racing fanaticism.

    Heat - Feat: Seventy-two minutes explaining how to put forth effort in order to achieve.

    Bad Boys - Rad Boys: Everything about the 1980s as seen through the eyes of a bunch of dudes.  Yo.

    A Few Good Men - A Few Food Men: Chef movie.

    Apocalypse Now - Apocalypse Sow: The last hog on earth.

    Fight Club - Fight Chub: Sumo wrestling at its best.

    The Bank Job - The Lank Job: How to rob a tall person.

    Revenge of the Nerds - Revenge of the Nerfs: Soft toys make up for being thrown about all the time.

      July 4, 2018 12:06 AM MDT

  • 14795
    It seems your playing hard ball here and your trying to appease me....:).   
    Lets see what else you got Mr.....   :) 
      July 4, 2018 1:47 AM MDT

  • 53689

    Porkchop Hill - Porkchop Bill: A millennial makes an entire movie about taking a photo of the check at a restaurant.

    The Deer Hunter - The Peer Hunter: A middle-aged nerd has been released from the mental institution where he was committed since high school, and now seeks vengeance against the jocks who drove him crazy.

    Four Weddings and a Funeral - Four Beddings and a Funeral: Vignettes about a cheating man whose wife finally catches up to him.

    Training Day - Draining Day: Denzel Washington returns to the big screen with an exciting blockbuster of a tutorial on what to do at the kitchen sink after washing the dishes.

    The Guns of Naverone - The Puns of Naverone: Slartiburst travels to Europe on a one-stop comedy tour.  

    Pulp Fiction - Pulp Diction: Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, this tale follows the proofreading adventures of private detective Randolph Dee as he delves into the seedy world of poor grammar, intentional and unintentional misspellings, bad syntax, and the boon of his existence, punctuation violations. Having been dismissed from the Grammar Police Force for fraternizing with The Laughing Typo Queen (played by CarbonProduct) in a torrid love affair, Randolph now works on his own and travels internationally to police the English language wherever it is assaulted. Backed up by his trusty scientist friend (played by Element 99) who remains in the US and makes Randolph into a black McGiver with an inventory of gadgets and doo-dads that aid him in fighting grammar crimes.
    Filled with raw, gritty, street-level scenes, the movie had its share of vile villains, corrupt officials, two-bit hoodlums, and down-on-their-luck denizens of the fabled Amug City. Surrounded on all sides by opponents to his profession, Randolph manuevers through a figurative thicket of entanglements and adventures. The main antagonists are The Restrainer and Mistress Vil. The first is a mysterious woman with a dark past, who while she doesn't commit grammar crimes, she toys with Randolph in a sick game of seductiveness and allure, only to strike him down with legal action when he moves in. Jane S created this role and portrays it magnificently. Mistress Vil (Livvie) looks sweet and innocent, but in reality is a sadistic hoarder of wrangled tildes, which she keeps hidden in a secret location high in the Rocky Mountains. Randolph has pursued her for years, but she always slips away.
    From America to England to Canada to India to Argentina to Japan to The Netherlands to Mexico to South Africa, Randolph Dee crosses the globe in this first installment of a saga not seen in decades. Many sequels are expected to follow . . .
    [A warning: Randolph's weakness for loose women and cheap sex depicts him hopping from one bed to the next with the frequency of a ticking clock almost as if the skin game is the true plot of the film, so don't take the kiddies to see this tripe.]

    ~ This post was edited by Randy D at July 4, 2018 3:26 PM MDT
      July 4, 2018 7:57 AM MDT

  • 14795
    This sounds more like The Never Ending Story,of Gulp Friction if you pull it off often enough....:(
      July 4, 2018 12:13 PM MDT

  • 23837
    I especially like the "Sow"and "Nerfs" titles.

    All are fun, though!
      July 4, 2018 10:48 AM MDT

  • 44762
    'Bambo' A deer gets its revenge on a group of hunters.

    'Moby Duck' A hunter spends years chasing the one who crapped on his face.

    'Superfan'  A man's attempt to attend every superhero movie.

    'Catman'  The story of Catwoman's and Superman's son.

    'Blazing Paddles' A rowing team terrorizes a small western town.

    'The Lizard of Oz'  A young stoner girl goes on a journey and everyone she encounters turns into a reptile.

    This post was edited by Element 99 at July 4, 2018 12:14 PM MDT
      July 4, 2018 6:08 AM MDT

  • 23837
      July 4, 2018 10:48 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I really not know if they are getting worse or better.....They are all funny does  it have to be so hard to pick the one sticks out in front all the others.   :)D
      July 4, 2018 12:18 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Blazing Paddles wasn't about a rowing team terrorizing a small western town!  It was about...oh wait, never mind, lol.
      July 4, 2018 3:11 PM MDT

  • 44762
    I kinda had to keep it PG-13, you know.
      July 4, 2018 3:17 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Done in Sixty Seconds.

    I had a lot more but since this wasn't asked in Adultmug...

      July 4, 2018 3:02 PM MDT

  • 23837
      July 4, 2018 3:49 PM MDT