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Is someone who whines about other people's whining a special kind of whiner?

Posted - July 18, 2018


  • 53334

      Hold on; I think I have just what you need. 

      July 18, 2018 10:43 PM MDT

  • 5451
    Randy?  What are those things crawling in the cheese you gave me?

      July 18, 2018 10:59 PM MDT

  • 53334

      What, you didn't put on the blindfold first?  That's why I gave it to you. 

      July 18, 2018 11:18 PM MDT

  • I was surfing the Web looking to see if there is a
    rating system for whiners and ran across this book ...

      July 18, 2018 11:10 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Image result for anti rightwing books:P
      July 19, 2018 4:21 AM MDT

  • What is it she says here?  The topic here is whining and you're not contributing to that with your post. Please stay on the subject matter as it is what is important in this discussion. 

    We can solve the "unreason" problem at another time.  Have a happy Thursday. :)

    (Well ... that's it!  I'm going to H*ll for sure now!)    Thanks for your reply. :))
      July 19, 2018 4:33 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Oh ok well you kinda got me there.. My angle was... that right-wing thinking turns people into unreasoning and unreasonable people.. but yea I have to admit it isn't quite whining, but I've seen plenty of that going on, RW people, (and bear in mind I am independent) are forever whining on about lefties, Lefties have replaced reds under the beds as a mantra. 
    I will keep looking but this was amusing, tho perhaps not for the right reason :P
    Image result for right-wing whining books
      July 19, 2018 4:48 AM MDT

  • I'm not trying to win here.  I realize every one takes their turn at being a whine expert.  :))
      July 19, 2018 5:03 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Yes, there is a special extra-whiney place in whiney heaven/hell reserved for those who bleat on about other people's whining :P
      July 19, 2018 4:11 AM MDT

  • 5451
    I don't think they get that whining about other people's whining is actually whining so seeing the gates of whiney hell open up in front of them when they die would probably be a big surprise!
      July 19, 2018 2:18 PM MDT

  • 10661
    I am an expert whiner, but it's hard to convey that in writing.  Whining is an art form, and, yes, if you can whine about someone else's whining it's very special. I've been known to whine about my own whining. 
      July 19, 2018 6:22 AM MDT

  • 5451
    Whining about your own whining takes real talent!  I should try that now that I've picked all of the tildes out of that cheese tray Randy gave me!  Mmm, I love cheese!

    I don't feel so good! 
      July 19, 2018 2:20 PM MDT

  • 53334

     (don't feel so well)
      July 19, 2018 9:25 PM MDT

  • 5451
    I intended it to be colloquial, not proper of formal.  I'm not changing it.
      July 22, 2018 10:37 AM MDT

  • 46117
    That is a person addicted to whining. 
      July 19, 2018 2:18 PM MDT

  • 22891
      July 22, 2018 4:54 PM MDT