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What's one scientific fact about humans you know that few people are aware of?

Posted - July 19, 2018


  • 35077
    Your inside organs actually move when riding a roller coaster. But move back to their place after the ride.
      July 20, 2018 3:40 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I totally believe that.  I also learned that your heart will sync with the music you are listening to.  This would explain a lot of behavioral patterns and what to listen to when you sleep.  :)
      July 20, 2018 5:35 PM MDT

  • 44765
    Newtons first law of motion.
      July 20, 2018 7:52 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Humans are not suppose to be meat eaters. Their intestinal track is very long, making it difficult for meat to digest and move through completely. Even human teeth are rounded, not like dogs or other carnivores with sharp pointy teeth. Carnivores also have short intestinal tracts to pass the meat through efficiently 
      July 20, 2018 4:10 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Hi carbon :) I'm jumping up and down with Glee!  I absolutely, unequivocally, and (my personal favorite) indubitably, AGREE!
    Don and I go round and round about this.  He debates the protein side.  I debate the teeth side.  etc.  We both have points but I truly and very strongly feel we were originally foragers.  We lived off "the land."  We got our protein from beans or nuts. etc..  We may have started our meat-eating desire by having a little "opportunist" in us but I don't think we were ever made to eat the other animals here.  YeAAAAAA!!  I'm glad you see the same side. :) :) 
      July 20, 2018 5:41 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Exactly. We were never made to eat the other animals of earth. Its funny how everything points to the direction of us not being meat eaters,  from our teeth to our tunnies, yet its hard to convince people of this because of the misconception that you cant get the proper amount of protein from plant based food.  We dont even drink milk, we drink coconut milk, which has more calcium in it than regular milk. Nuts and brown rice give you plenty of protein. If everyone just took one week off meat, they would notice such a tremendous difference in energy, health and over all well being, that they would never want to go back to eating meat. 
      July 20, 2018 7:38 PM MDT

  • 44765
    And we have cuspids because______________?
      July 20, 2018 7:57 PM MDT

  • 13071
    They make women hot?
      July 21, 2018 12:39 AM MDT

  • 17081
    Until their bones started to become brittle and osteoporosis crippled them. The calcium in nuts and nut milk is not readily bio-available - it's there but the human body can't use it easily. So the fast-twitch muscles leach calcium from the bones in order to function, the long slow-twitch ones can use plant-derived calcium but the big bunchy ones need it quicker than that.
    As little as 200 years ago this wasn't an issue, humans rarely lived 60 years or more. Now we almost always do.
      July 20, 2018 11:35 PM MDT

  • 17081
    Canine teeth are for the specific purpose of tearing meat and are NOT rounded. Those are the pointy ones between the incisors and the premolars. Also the appendix or multiple stomachs is what herbivores use to break down cellulose, not the small intestine - the human appendix is vestgial and slowly disappearing generation by generation, cellulose has never been a major part of the primate diet. A cat's intestine is as long as a human's, relative to its size, which is why dried catgut was used for violin strings and surgical sutures and still is. Feed a cat a vegetarian diet and it dies, slowly and painfully. After it goes blind from lack of taurine.
    All hominids are omnivores. Chimps and gorillas eat whatever smaller creatures they can catch, as well as fruit, nuts etc.
      July 20, 2018 11:28 PM MDT

  • 3719
    I believe some biologists are now questioning if the human appendix is not quite the vestigial thing everyone thought, but does fulfil a definite role. One suggestion I have heard is that it acts as a sort of refuge for gut flora, but whether this is by accident or if that is its purpose, I would not know.
      September 9, 2018 4:46 PM MDT

  • 17081
    Humans are the only creatures that can store information outside of their bodies.
      July 20, 2018 11:40 PM MDT

  • 53696

      What about mating rituals of the animal kingdom wherein certain species display things to attract the opposite sex?  That's quite common among non-human life forms.

      July 21, 2018 11:31 AM MDT

  • 17081
    Not even close to the same thing. Writing. Pictograms. Art. We're the only organism that can do it.
      July 21, 2018 11:10 PM MDT

  • 22891
    probably that just cause someone is an identical twin dont mean we're alike, i know cause im one
      July 22, 2018 4:17 PM MDT

  • 11419
    That ever single human that was ever born was born with traces of THC in their system and human beings are the only know species that are born with natural traces of THC. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at September 9, 2018 4:35 PM MDT
      September 9, 2018 4:30 PM MDT

  • 3719
    Foy my money, among the most impressive attributes is the sensitivity of the fully-healthy human ear, by the lowest sound pressure level it can detect: a mere 20µPa (micro-Pascals).

    The ISO Standard unit of pressure called the Pascal = 1 X 10^(-5) Bar, or 1 / 100 000 Bar. A unit devised by bureaucrats with "ologies" in Obscure Sums, so useless for practical day-to-day things like car tyre pressures; but too big for acoustics by a factor of one million!

    So the 20µPa of the faintest of sweet nothings barely audible in the boudoir's darkness, =  5 X 10^(-9) Bar, or  1 / 5 000 000 000 Bar

    i.e. just  five-thousand millionth of standard (sea-level) atmospheric pressure.

    This is the 0dB [referred to 20µPa] point on the usual scale of decibel measurements of sound levels in air.

    At that faint whisper, the ear-drum's vibration amplitude is about equal to the diameter of a hydrogen atom.

    The loudest? Theoretically, harmfully, and different sources seem to quote different levels, but the Threshold of Pain is often quoted as 120dB re 20µPa, which converts to 1 Million times that minimum pressure level. So dangerous to your hearing, but still only a tiny five-thousandth Bar.
      September 9, 2018 4:42 PM MDT