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What do you make of this Eartha Kitt interview?

A friend of mine posted portions of this on her Facebook wall and agreed with Eartha. My first thought was, "I bet she died alone," and indeed, it appears she did. I think Eartha was an amazing woman who did a lot of good and had a ton of tenacity, but when it comes to love, I don't think she's an example to be followed. 

What do you think? Do you agree with her sentiment or no? Why/ why not? And, straight men/ gay women, you're welcomed to imagine she's talking about women here. 

Posted - August 4, 2018


  • 2052
    Bless her heart, she had a few issues, too bad.  She definitely is not an example to be followed. 
      August 4, 2018 2:22 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Hmm ok I am going to play devil's advocate .... I can see where she is coming from.. if you fall in love, if that person is right for you, you shouldn't have to change or do anything differently to make it work.. and arguably if you have to change and make sacrifices to the point where you are no longer you... then it;s not the right relationship and its better to be alone.. 
    I could sorta see too her point that she wanted someone to share 'me' with.. I thought that was incredibly profound... at it's deepest level that's so beautiful... to love oneself, to be the best you you can be.. and then to find someone to share it with.. .someone who truly reaches inside our head, heart and soul, someone who truly understands us, loves us unconditionally... that's the best feeling in the world.. 
    Arguably it's almost always the woman who feels pressure to change, adapt and fit in... the pressure to 'compromise' 

    So I am not saying she is right.. I am not saying she is wrong either... but she does have some points.. although imo she says it in a very arrogant and scary way... but then again can we not forgive her for that.. are we sure she isn't just playing up to the role people expect of her? 

    Just offering a different perspective..  This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at August 5, 2018 3:26 AM MDT
      August 4, 2018 2:57 PM MDT

  • 7939
    That is one way to take it. In some cases, she does speak this way- that it's about finding someone you don't need to change for. Which, I think is the right way to look at things. It's just how she approaches this and the laugh- very sharp and condescending. In reading her history- her father abandoned her and her mother, her mother sent her into foster care so she could remarry, she grew up feeling like she wasn't accepted anywhere because she was biracial, and so on. She also married a man (lasted 5 years) who expected her to be a starlet all the time and "wake up with her eyelashes on." It seems like she was let down in a big way by everyone she should have been able to trust, and I think that may have led her to form a lot of superficial relationships. She once made a comment about not believing in diamonds, but believing in dirt... something about diamonds not being able to be trusted. She made it big, but she was always waiting for the bottom to fall out. I don't think she ever trusted anyone or formed a healthy loving relationship. 
      August 4, 2018 4:27 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I agree, especially on the laugh, it was harsh, jarring and false... very telling.. And it's only natural that her experiences, especially the marriage where she was expected to act as expected, rather than be herself - that would lead to not wanting to have to act but to share oneself as we are, not as others want us to be..
      August 5, 2018 1:15 AM MDT

  • We're born into this world sweet and innocent, normally, and then life starts chipping away at those gifts.  Some manage to fare pretty well against life's trials and some don't.
      August 4, 2018 4:23 PM MDT

  • 7939
    And the trials of some are greater than the trials of others. 

    Beautiful answer. 
      August 4, 2018 4:28 PM MDT

  • 22891
    dont know anything about her
      August 4, 2018 5:53 PM MDT

  • 5835
    She has no love, doesn't even know what love is. She only has hurt.

    FWIW love is when you are aware of a need and you take care of it. For example, nobody changes a diaper because baby has a great personalilty. They do it because baby needs it.
      August 4, 2018 7:17 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Not sure why we should listen to, of all people, an actress.  But I would say we are ourselves no matter how much we change and the issue more is whether we are comfortable with that change.  I learned so much about life from being with different men and thank God they helped me grow out of just being a gawky tongue-tied groupie on drugs!   Would guess her husband fell in love with one of her stage personas.  But for most of us I think we get with someone we like and want it to continue and that is love.  Anything else is just for the beautiful people.  Love should make us come alive, not check out.  Anyway I always thought she had a quite unattractive personality. 
      August 5, 2018 9:05 AM MDT