Without a doubt!!! I am the supervisor of a severely understaffed department. As luck would have it, I start a three week vacation in about a month and many staff members are already telling me how much they are NOT looking forward to it and to hurry back.
I wouldn't be missed and I couldn't be replaced either.....I live with whom I work for ....I think wearing ones dinner is not a good option really....:(
Yes...When I retired from teaching, the replacement called me. I warned the school admin that I was the only one who was certified to teach what I did and they better search hard for a replacement. They didn't.
Every time in the last 5 years I have tried to quit, they have increased my pay and reminded my of clauses in my work contract. I love what I do, I get paid to travel the world to places people only dream of, here is Singapore at 4AM on my run 6 weeks ago