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How can we justify free medical care for inmates at the expense of taxpayers when we have families going bankrupt over medical bills?

Inmates receive free healthcare, eyecare, and dental care. They don’t have to worry about a financial crisis because of healthcare. Even the drug addicts who ruin their teeth before or during incarceration receive free dental care. This is while families who have someone battling cancer or other serious illnesses file for bankruptcy or are in the verge of it. I find this sickening and a catastrophe. People who commit crimes, kill people, rape people, molest children, steal, and rob receive ffee healthcare while many of us struggle to pay for medications and general healthcare costs. 

Posted - September 7, 2018


  • 1502
    I gave my reason for hesitation about letting my country’s government have control over our healthcare. 
      September 8, 2018 9:01 AM MDT

  • 14795
    If you own a caged pet ,you have to care for it.....if it's in a huge cage with other animails you  need to keep every one healthy to stop infections spreading .....
    Cut your countries military spending and invest in free healthcare and improve wellfare heal is far better than to kill ....
      September 8, 2018 2:32 AM MDT

  • 1502
    I must respond by making you aware, simply reducing our military budget won’t come close to funding universal healthcare. I believe in a strong military and a budget to give our military the funds for what it needs. 
      September 8, 2018 11:47 AM MDT

  • 14795
    Are you saying it's more important to have weapons than health care for the people that contribute to them....
    Surly a country's people should come first...?  

      September 8, 2018 7:38 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Our milItaly and their dependents are provided with healthcare coverage. I don’t know all the details as I’m not a member of the military. It’s more than just weapons. It’s about exceptional training, technology, intelligence tools, etc. I can’t place the priority of military budget or universal healthcare over the other. My main point was even if we didn’t have a military we would fall short of funding universal healthcare. A strong military is required for national defense to potential war and attacks. This post was edited by Rizz at September 9, 2018 6:04 AM MDT
      September 8, 2018 7:46 PM MDT

  • 14795
    If your countries citizens fall ill,you'll have no one to pay taxes and no pay for any military. 
    Its only man's greed that funds all wars...
    Money needs to be spent on cleaning the oceans and saving all fish life......We need to stop wasting our coal and oil reserves and devolop clean  power sources that the petrochemical companies have bought up...
    One day in the not to distant future ,nature will kick back , drinking water will be worth more than gold...
    Firms like Nestle's and Bush senior and junior  are buying up all the fresh water rights....:( 

    Future wars will be fought over food,fuel ,energy ,minerals and water....
      September 8, 2018 8:12 PM MDT

  • 1502
    I’m not a fan of war. I have opposed our two current wars from day one. Sometimes war is justified. Not often. I think we can agree WW2 was justified to take down Hitler and the Nazi’s. I would prefer our country never has to be engaged in a war again. Obviously if we’re under attack I feel we need to defend ourselves. 

    I‘m all for taking care of earth, preserving wildlife and ocean life. I’m all in on protecting and taking care of our planet. I’d be much happier with no wars/peace and everyone taking care of earth, our water, each other, and animal lives.

    I do want people to have healthcare. Not once did I say otherwise. I can support our military and healthcare for people at the same time. I’ve made my reservations about the USA going to universal healthcare. You and others can agree or disagree, accept my views, or not. 

    When discussing how we run our country to others is comparing apples to oranges in many cases. We are highly more populated than European countries. Different cultures as well. People need to take these into account.

    I’ve given my views. I see no point in going back and forth. I respect and accept your views. It comes across as you don't quite understand the points I was making. It’s very possible I may not have been articulate enough.

    I enjoyed our exchanges of views and conversation. I say we can agree to disagree. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.    
      September 8, 2018 8:25 PM MDT

  • 14795
    I think Japan was more evil than Hitler ....What was wrong was letting Germany rearm again so soon after the first  world war....... I don't think anyone can say that they never knew they were...
    Yes I have every right to defend yourself...all countries do...not many countries have the ability to do that though...
      September 9, 2018 3:17 AM MDT

  • 13276
    Strong national defense is not just about making war. It's just as much about preventing it. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at September 11, 2018 7:28 PM MDT
      September 8, 2018 9:17 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Thank you. You are so correct I wish I could like your reply 100 times. You are one of the most reasonable people on here. I respect you and your ability to not let bias or hatred blind you.
      September 8, 2018 9:22 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Yes,I know and understand foolish it would be to for any nation to disturb the Hornents nest again.....
    Who would be the winner though if all nations began firing of their nuclear weapons.....
    Why does any one country want to control the world....

    I can't imagine that  all German citizen  were evil and wanted war.... German men women and childred were forced into their armies What do you do if you disagree with your countries policies or if your a non violent person you could be still forced to go and kill ...
    I think Japan deserved the two bombs America gave them....,could you imagine hiw many they would have dropped if they devolouped them many would it take to contaminate the world....
    If some one kills your wife or child in a premeditated act and you hunt them down and kill them you become a murder......if your country decides to overrun another and you as a solider are sent to kill then you are not......if as a solider you go off the rails because of what you've been forced to do ,you again become a many Veitnam veterans came home and were hated   ..
    There are so many documentaries on Sky TV about WW11 and the war in the pacific with Japan in England at the moment..
    How much is true is hard to say....
    The English invented concentration camps during the Boar War were the slaughtered men,women child ered and babies .....Nothing is ever said about that....
    England has committed more attrocies than any other country most likely I'm Africa,Austraila, New Zealand ,China ,India and North America and most likely Canada as well...
    How sad we all have double standards ...
    How different to world could be without greed and the fear of war with our neighbours ....    
      September 9, 2018 2:58 AM MDT

  • 13276
    The horrible outcome of the  atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have served as a deterrent to the further use of such weapons. Your scenario of all nations firing nuclear weapons won't ever happen at best and is extremely unlikely at worst.
      September 9, 2018 4:41 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I can only agree with you....It stoped the war in two or three days , I hope there will never be the need to deploy and use such weapons again....With its fall out ,it effects every living thing globally....
    When Russia was siting  nuclear weapons in Cuba, there was one American submarine readying to fire missiles at Russia....thankfully it never happened...If people have weapons like this ,there is no absolute guarantee that no one will accidentally let one off ... 
    The Russian  Chernobyl  disaster still effect Europe and England.....I wonder to how much the recent Jappenese atomic nuclear reactor  tsunami disaster has effected their country and other country's close to them...

      September 9, 2018 5:52 AM MDT

  • 14795
    How many innocent people are incarcerated in America.....should the not be looked after.....
    Check out Robert Leone 2017 on ytube......his evil treatment and imprisonment is beyond description.....

    A land of the free,America is not..... 
      September 8, 2018 2:39 AM MDT

  • 1502
    I know all about it. Completely heinous and evil. There is no justifying what took place. Not at all. I’m disgusted and outraged the officers weren’t found guilty and put into prison. I’m a member of the law enforcement community and I support the honest and professional members of my group. I have no respect for anyone who abuses their power and commits such sickening crimes. All they had to do was not block him from exiting his vehicle and let him exit it on his own. He was never given a chance to comply once he was finally stopped. There was no reason or justification for the amount of brutal force that was used. He didn’t resist arrest. He didn’t assault or try to assault them. 

    I agree to a point America isn’t the land of the free, but most likely for different reasons.

    Unfortunately police brutality exists in every country. I will never condone it or make excuses. Police officers are humans too. This means a certain percentage of them will do bad things. I have always felt they shouldn’t be above the law and held to at least the same standards of everyone else.

    Lastly, about 1% of incarcerated people in the United States are innocent. This post was edited by Rizz at September 9, 2018 6:06 AM MDT
      September 8, 2018 8:49 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I'm all for the police if they are honest....if they make mistakes thay must stick their hands up to it.....we all make bad decissions abd we should never ever follow orders blindly..... 
    German and Jappenese soldiers had to ,no natter what they were ordered to do....They did it on fear of death if they disobeyed orders....
    The ones that do these heinous things shoul spend their lives in jail....they are not gods and and any caught abusing their job and the upper ranks and judges that protect them should be locked away forever....

    I watched a vid of three black women watching three policemen chasing a man that got away....they were laughing a bit at the situation....
    one was eight months  pregnant policeman punched her hard in her stomach and told her he hopped her unborn baby was injured or something worse....
    no action was taken against the lady although it was all caught on camera....

    How many of your police abuse their rights....

    England to has cowards as police...Type in to google...The Battle of the Bean field 1985's horrific and beyond anyone's understanding....Thousands of police in full body armour charged non violent travelers going to Stonehenge.....many were pregnant and some very young girls caring new born babies....most were coshed ,trampled pulled through glass windows ,had their vechile homes burnt and wrecked's physically sticking to watch....
    not one police man was arrested or imprisoned........ I think the that presided over the case should be shot for his crimes... 
      September 8, 2018 12:41 PM MDT

  • 16590
      September 8, 2018 6:54 PM MDT

  • 44519
    I have an idea. Make the families of the inmates pay for the services. Or pay for everything.
      September 8, 2018 6:33 AM MDT

  • 14795
    How is that's not families fault when relatives actually commit so called crimes....some people are forced to steal because because of excessive over pricing....most things are priced today on what the market will stand  ...its got nothing to do with inflation...
    Sheer greed is what drives so many people and that included the government ...In England ,petrol is Taxed at 60% or more....if your rich it matters not...?   if you have a normal job on a field minimum hourly rate Travling become a misery...
    Public transport is unaffordable ...and intolerable in rush hour...   
      September 8, 2018 12:10 PM MDT

  • 44519
    Our public transportation is almost non-existant. If I took the buses to my sister's hous across town, it would take about an hour and a half. I can drive there in 12 minutes.
      September 8, 2018 12:14 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It's the same if you live in London....thousands of busses packed to the gunnals in rush hour....twelve miles could take 2 hours or more....
      September 8, 2018 12:51 PM MDT

  • 14795
    The families of those interned might not have access to thousands of dollars to pay for someone else's health care...

    I think you are leg  pulling and don't believe in what you said....your a bad boy that need his bum go stand in the corner until I say you can move....:( 
      September 8, 2018 12:14 PM MDT

  • 53332

      NJ, you wrote that it's not a family's fault that one of its members committed a crime and therefore unfair to expect the family to pay the costs of incarceration. Does that mean it's the taxpayers' fault and therefore fair to expect the taxpayers to pay those costs?
      If families had a more direct role in the aftermath of their members' criminal acts, there might be fewer negative aspects of both crime and punishment. For instance, placing all financial responsibility on the government (paying for defense counsel/public defender, food, shelter, clothing, transportation, recreation, entertainment, rehabilitation, medical care, mental health care, etc) is extremely expensive. If and when the slightest or the worse thing associated with incarceration goes wrong, that also focuses all attention on the government.  If our modern society adhered less to the concept of individuality and more to the concept of collective responsibility, more families might have involvement with what their people do. 
      September 9, 2018 6:20 AM MDT

  • 22891
    not sure we can
      September 8, 2018 4:49 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Be careful, Rizz! You might inadvertently be giving people ideas about how to receive free medical care. 

    I've heard those federal prisons are pretty posh, too. Yoga classes and everything!
      September 8, 2018 8:34 PM MDT