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Whooping cough. Walking pneumonia. Running a fever. Splitting headache. Throbbing toothache.

  What are some other commonly-used references to illnesses, sicknesses, or diseases that include at least two words, one of them being a gerund?

A gerund is a word ending with the suffix -ing.


Posted - September 11, 2018


  • 13071
    Rheumatoid arthritis
    varicose veins
    strep throat
    head lice
    toe jam
    ring worm
    type two diabetes
    anal warts
    anal polyps
    multiple slurosis
    explosive diareaha

      September 11, 2018 11:19 PM MDT

  • 53332

      Not a one of them contains a gerund, dear.

      September 11, 2018 11:24 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Thats because I had them removed. ;+
      September 11, 2018 11:25 PM MDT

  • 44519
      September 12, 2018 7:06 AM MDT

  • 13071
      September 12, 2018 7:11 AM MDT

  • 16590
    Excruciating pain, of any description. You can substitute "agonising" if you prefer. No American zeds, please.
      September 12, 2018 12:21 AM MDT

  • 47
    Aching back
    Ringing ears
    Flaking scalp
    Necrotizing fasciitis
    Burning eyes
    Wandering spleen
    Floating kidney
    Leaking bladder
    Wandering tooth
    Sleeping sickness
    Racing heart
    Rumbling stomach
    Chronic blushing
    Food poisoning
    Lead poisoning
    Hearing loss
    Bleeding ulcer
      September 12, 2018 3:23 AM MDT

  • 53332

      I'm going to send you over to Carbie's place to give her lessons. 
      September 12, 2018 7:05 AM MDT

  • 47
    You want I should break her legs, boss?
      September 12, 2018 9:25 AM MDT

  • 53332

      There's a little something extra in it for you if you can make it look like an accident, but you never talked to me about this, right?  (Wink, wink.)

      September 12, 2018 8:06 PM MDT

  • 22891
    what you just described
      September 12, 2018 10:32 AM MDT

  • 73

    Nagging cough
    Lingering cough
    Fleash eating bacteria
    Bleeding gums
    Internal bleeding
    Stinging nettle rash
    Abdominal bloating
    Hard of hearing
    Sneezing fits
    Migrating motor complex

      September 12, 2018 11:42 AM MDT