Discussion»Questions»Animals (Wild)» Have your hummingbirds gone south yet? Ours disappeared a couple of days ago, with a couple of strays wandering through from Canada.
Mostly,the birds we have England must be a lot cleverer than your one over there in the states.....our birds know the words, sing and never hum ..... :)D
I can't be sure when they were nade .....Ive only seen one model that looked amazing and huge here in England and instantly wanted one......:) It was a crew cab pick up truck with twin wheels at the rear ...
We have 2 species around here one migrates the other doesn't The ones that migrate start in late June by first gather in a valley on the Island and they all stay there for about 3 weeks. I always thought it would be pretty cool to go to that valley when they are gathering - there are thousands of them in a small area so it would be interesting to watch and maybe because they are all in a valley it would be really cool to hear. Cheers!
The ones we have here that don't migrate are Anna's. There is always something blooming on Vancouver Island but they have other tricks that help them survive the winter they can reduce their body temperature by 3 quarters then they sleep for long periods of time - they have also adapted to eat bugs. If you Google humming birds + Vancouver Island you can find more information. Cheers!
I had one 'buzz' my head in the garden a few weeks ago. It was checking out the morning glories and seemed to ignore me. I did see a group of Monarch butterflies flying south on Friday.