In my website I wrote a post about Love:
What is Love? My mother always said jokingly: "Love is a funny feeling in the area of the belly."
But obviously there is more to it... There are two symbols of love widely used over the world: The red rose and the red heart.
Religions in the world elevate Love to be the essence of being. The feeling of being loved or to love someone is so strong that it can be borderline hate. Love is the mightiest of all emotions...Hate cannot forgive, but love can. Love goes beyond the grave. I read so many times that pets, like a dog, love you unconditionally, they would not leave you even if you are starving and have no food for your pet. I watched a story on television once, that a dog did not leave the grave of his master and did not accept food from anybody - he just sat there with sad eyes until he died. We humans have the ability to reason, and it is expected from us that we use it if necessary and act differently. Most of us do because we simply have or find reasons to go on with life. Love is an endless generated feeling, but we have to be the generator, we have to love ourselves too in order to give love. If we neglect our feelings and senses or dope them with drugs or alcohol, how can we give love? When someone is left by a lover, self-pity sets in. Why me? Did I deserve this? Think again, maybe it is your fault that your partner left you. Did you expect and expect again and forgot to give your share? Keeping love alive in a marriage is a constant giving and receiving, hard work sometimes. Complaining doesn't help, thinking of love and why you married your honey in the first place helps.