Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Consensual sex between two adults is neither illegal nor criminal. Lying about it under oath is a felony. True, right?
Consensual sex between two adults is neither illegal nor criminal. Lying about it under oath is a felony. True, right?
What did Clinton in was not the act itself but lying about it. Had he just told the truth and apologized there would have been no impeachment, correct?
It's more wonderful than anything I know Rosie..and how cleaver nature was of making it so.....without it the world would be a barren place ,if it was horrid or distasteful no living thing would ever get born....
You can change your mind when ever cault out lying......you can't lies about a baby once born though...lol
Very true D. It's sadly tragic that all children aren't wanted and so the lives of those who were "accidents" are not what they should have been. Thank you for your reply! :)
Strangely I watched a sky tv show last night about a boy and girl both in America given up at birth for adoption.....They had great lives with their adoptive parents but wanted to know their natural parents.... We watched it all with tears in our eyes and both cases had quite happy endings and they stayed in touch.... The sadness of the mothers that gave up their babies was heart breaking to watch .... It tears me up just talking about it to you.... How fortunate we mostly all are to be with our natural parents and not have to go though such traumatic events ....:(
The main danger is not knowing the medical background of the biological parents. And if life-saving operations are needed and the only one(s) who can save you are your biological parents, it does become a matter of life or death! It is sad when folks have kids they can't take care of for sure. I can't imagine what that would be like. I had one child..a son. He never had to wonder who his biological parents were. Same for me and my sis. And for our parents. Some people have very heavy burdens to bear in life and others seemingly have none. I wish life were fair for everyone but I suspect there really is no fair anywhere. There is just life going on and some benefit from it and some don't. Some folks care and some don't. Thank you for your reply D! :)
Rosie ,you only have to look at how cruel we humans are to animals ,birds and fish/mamals in the sea to realise how cruel humans can be.... We cut the fins of live sharks and toss them back into the sea and let then drown..England ,Norway and other countries of the world decimated the largest creatures in our oceans ....Japan still to this day still insists on doing it for scientific reasons ,yet all the whales and dolphins slaughtered still end up on people's dinner plates....
The cruel mean evil streak that exists in many or most humans is unfathomable to me D. I see it every day and hear it every day and I am always shocked and depressed by the extent of it. All animals are our prey...like kind and different kind. We don't care. Actually anything living is what we love to destroy. The earth has many types of vegetation or used to and we take great delight and cutting down trees, fracking the earth to get minerals out of it (which in some cases causes earthquakes). With super don decimating the EPA manufacturing plants can dump their toxic waste on land or in the air or in water. Who cares? What lives we destroy without conscience or guilt. He has unprotected the National Parks that Obama protected and as for forests and preserves screw them as long as money can be made off them and if someone wants to build condominium in Yosemite why y'all come on down. SIGH. If that isn't EVIL and CRUEL what is? It is disgusting and sickening and sadly as long as there is money to bemade doing it they do it. Thank you for your reply!:(
This post was edited by RosieG at October 1, 2018 2:05 PM MDT
Expecting people to disclose their sex life under oath violates their right to private and family life. Time someone took these aggressive lawyers to book.
I don't understand this response Malizz. Kav is being accused of a sex crime or an attempted sex crime. Why wouldn't it be pertinent to know what was going on with Kav sexually as a teenager? He bragged about drinking a lot as a teen and he very belligerently talked a lot about his love for beer as an adult. REpeatedly. Did you watch/hear his performance vis a vis his background? He emphasized his absolute love of beer! He admitted having "too many" beers at times. Well how many is that and could a memory clouded by "too many " beers really be reliable? So I guess we disagree. So what? Thank you for your reply.
I understood him. Whatever consenting adults do behind closed doors is nobody else's business, whether that's Clinton, Trump or Kav. Monica Lecumstain didn't scream rape, neither did Stormy Daniels so the lawyers have no business to even be asking the question. Prof Ford is different, she's claiming an assault which is NOT a consensual act.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at October 2, 2018 8:34 AM MDT
Thank you for your reply Sbf and Happy Tuesday. So you think impeaching Clinton for lying to congress about having weird sex with Monica Lewinsky was out of line? They were both consenting adults. Did they have a right to privacy? Your reply confuses me as well Sbf. It's OK. I'll either figure it out or I won't. SIGH.
Clinton was out of line in categorically stating that he did not have sex with her. He'd have been completely kosher had he stated "that's none of your god damned business, either state what high crime or misdemeanor you suspect me of having committed, or shut up". Congress had no right to ask. Harding wasn't impeached for impregnating a teenager in a WH closet.
Here's the thing Sbf. What did the consensual sex between two adults have to do with the security of the country? Zero! Zilch! Nada! It was simply a prurient exercise to attack Clinton. I am not condoning it but it hardly rises to the level of impeachment that super don reached the day he was sworn into office. Immediately he was in trouble because of the Emoluments clause. It's all a bogus phony sham and we all know it. Kav is da man on whom super don can rely to do his bidding. Kav admitted such and as much with his violent vitriolic over-the-top rant about Democrats and Clinton and all that crap. At the top of his lungs. Unhinged. Crying. Tongueing his cheek constantly. Drinking water. Abusive. Excessive. The temperament super don and the trumpicans desperately want as a SCOTUS Justice. For obvious reasons. He embodies "bully tough guy my way or the highway screw you"! SIGH. Thank you for your reply.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 3, 2018 5:22 AM MDT
Jaunita Brodrick did/does claim Bill Clinton raped her. As do many other women going back to his college days. It was a valid question because B Clinton was being sued for sexual harrassment.
Establishing that he was continuing to have inappropriate behaviour with women under his authority. And at the time it would not have been known of it was consentual..given his history.
This post was edited by my2cents at October 3, 2018 4:51 AM MDT
Expecting anyone to disclose facts about something so private and personal seems to me the worst kind of harassment. Is only succeeds in feeding prurient interest and causing embarrassment. If you are talking about Bill Clinton it was not any court's business. And the intention was only to discredit by embarrassment.