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What's the main reason people tell you not to get old?

Posted - October 6, 2018


  • D&D

    They want you to die young.
      October 6, 2018 2:03 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Maybe because they are afraid I might forget to get them something for their birthday. 
      October 6, 2018 2:35 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Because getting old is to witness one’s own slow demise. Youth is intrinsically more fun. 

    Interesting paradox that people hope to live to a “ripe old age” but no one wants to actually be old. 
      October 6, 2018 5:40 AM MDT

  • "I can't remember!"

      October 6, 2018 5:51 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Hmmm don't know how you can avoid that.  When you get to be about a little older than I am there is not much else left for you!  But when I was young I remember thinking that to be 45 would be positively ancient and I couldn't even get my mind around the idea.  Now I am almost 61 and life goes on and I am still living and still enjoying many things I expected I would have been all done with by now.  You adjust.
      October 6, 2018 6:19 AM MDT

  •   October 6, 2018 8:42 AM MDT

  • 53685

      Huh?  No one's ever told me that (so far).  Maybe one day in the future. 

      October 6, 2018 9:14 AM MDT

  • 10795
    Usually due to the pain and loss of maneuverability that go along with it.

    We all know that we can't help but to grow old (unless you've discovered a way to stop time).  What these people mean is to enjoy your "youthfulness" while you can, because it won't last as long as you think it will.
      October 6, 2018 9:27 AM MDT

  • 2219
    It's a warning from oldies who know what's like. 
      October 6, 2018 4:36 PM MDT

  • 22891
    cause its annoying
      October 6, 2018 5:28 PM MDT