It was great when we killed all the Indians and brought the black man here to do all the work. Wow. How great was that move? America the Beautiful.
Ahhh. The good old days
I've been trying to figure this out myself. I'm personally perplexed by that slogan because things are getting better as we become more civilized
That would have been before taxes, regulations, free trade deals (NAFTA etc) forced our good jobs out of the country.
must have been before my time... or any time i've read or heard about, if at all.
don't get me wrong, i like my life in the U.S., for the most part, and i realize there are worse places to be, but "great"?
we're still evolving, though... so there's a chance at greatness, i think. maybe. we'll see. i guess.
And when was that exactly? Do you have a time frame?
I kind of agree with you
I'm just trying to get a handle on the slogan, "Make America great, again!" and see what others think that means because it implies that America was once great and I'm not sure of when that was.
The person who gives the best answer to that question will win a fabulous prize!
In my opinion most recently under Reagan, (Overall, between 1981 and 1989, real GDP per capita increased by nearly 23%; in the same span of time, the value of the stock market more than tripled) before that would have been the 1950s.
I won't dispute. Not that I agree, but I appreciate your coment
America was great for a little over twenty years before the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913.
Hello Goat:
In THAT sense, America was NEVER great.. What makes us great is that we STRIVE for greatness. Greatness doesn't happen without a few bumps in the road.. Trump is a bump.
I would join the chorus in saying that it never was.
Before I knew the truth...
Good question. I think that most of us were brought up with the idea that America is the greatest and didn't really question that. I know that when I began studying history - not the rah, rah BS we were taught in school, but what really happened - good, bad and was...well, America was the greatest before I began studying history.
The idea that everyone in America is good and everyone in (Russia or Iraq or fill in your boogieman of choice here) is bad is absurd.
The idea that our government is good and all others are bad is equally absurd. All governments, regardless of form or country, become corpulent and corrupt. It is the nature of the beast.
The USA has been showing symptoms of impending collapse since WW2.
Dear sir, I like your comment. You're on your way to winning the grand prize. :)