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Trump barely works at all. How is he "Making America Great Again"? Let's fire his a$$

This is a great Article describing how little Donald J Trump actually does...

Early this year, Axios obtained a schedule of President Trump’s activities, revealing hour after hour of “Executive Time” — which means, mostly, binge-watching cable television news and tweeting. Politico has obtained another weekly Trump schedule, and if anything, it appears to contain even less actual work.

Tuesday’s schedule featured nine hours of “Executive Time” and just over three hours of work. Other days on the schedule were only slightly busier. Trump had no meetings or commitments before 11 a.m. on any day of the week. Every day included long blocks of unstructured screen time

Trump has done such a comprehensively awful job of being president that it feels petty, or even contradictory, to complain that he spends so little time doing it. (It’s like the old joke: The food at this restaurant is awful; and such small portions!) So it might not be a bad thing that Trump hardly works at all. Still, it is noteworthy how little time the world’s most powerful person spends doing his job.

If this pathetic excuse for a man worked for me, I would fire him immediately.


Posted - October 30, 2018


  • 46117

    I think the best way is vote strictly Democratic and make it a No-brainer in the Mid Terms.

    That ends it all for them.


    Except for the gerrymandering, the Russian hackers, the plain old lies and deception and the GOP needing to line their pocketbooks at the expense of the lesser guy, at every turn.  This means Kavanaugh, this means Trump forever, unless....

    We take back the system.  If we can.

    You see, we have a lot of control as a customer in a restaurant.  Unless that restaurant has a lot of fans and clients and your word means little.  Yes, you can try and unite against said restaurant, but that takes more time and effort than most people want to expend.

    Same with changing the state of affairs with something as huge as Trump and his minions and their power and their money he is providing them by screwing up everything else that needs that money they are lining their pockets with.

    Like the Environment, like our Social Security and Medicare.  Little things we need and they don't need, but they can take so they will.

    Imagine how much power we could have if we could organize under one umbrella and FIRE him.  We have too many cooks and not enough quality in this restaurant. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 30, 2018 2:35 PM MDT
      October 30, 2018 11:27 AM MDT

  • I have no objections to anything you wrote and agree with you 100%, Sharonna
      October 31, 2018 10:52 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Speaking of Gerrymandering ... I was listening to a story on NPR about it, and wondering why there isn't software to draw district lines?
    It should be simple for some map company to build it.
    Just update the population from census data, and it could automatically draw boundaries without taking anything else into consideration.
      October 31, 2018 2:27 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Except that gerrymandering has nothing to do with presidential elections. It only affects congressional ones.
      October 31, 2018 2:47 PM MDT

  • 35039
    Just imagine what he could do if he applied himself 24/7....stock market at 50,000,  0% unemployment, the wall would be finished, Planned Parenthood in bankruptcy, peace in the Middle east, GDP at 10%, excellent trade deals.....etc.

    If he is accomplishing nothing, why are all the Dems so upset? This post was edited by my2cents at October 31, 2018 11:06 PM MDT
      October 30, 2018 11:39 AM MDT

  • Are you admitting that he has been shirking his responsibilities for two years, M2C?

    I see a morally corrupt slacker who does nothing but promote himself.  The Dems are part of the problem to because the party is full of corporatists (who are moderate conservatives).  They selected the weakest candidate of them all. Clinton could not even beat the worst candidate imaginable…Donald J. Trump.

    Our Country has turned into a cesspool of hate because of Trump.  He has emboldened the worst of the worst.

    Celebrating the demise of Planned Parenthood is nothing to be proud of. PP provides healthcare for millions of women. Y’all complain about abortion but that is such a small % or what PP does. Sad that you care very little about human life when you claim to care so much.

    There is no peace in the middle east and Trump kowtowed to the sponsors of 9/11 plus he is ramping up a war with Iran.

    The GDP is not Trump's to claim, that is Obama's legacy

    Trade deals? He's gotten us into Trade wars and the US deficit is exploding...

    Now, He wants to end Birthright citizenship. What kind of asinine bullshit is that? He is a monster.
    His next step is will be to strip citizenship of his critics. Mark my words. 

    1963 was a horrible year. If it were repeated, I think it would be a Celebration.  Team Trump is tearing this country apart and I am surprised that you have forsaken your Lord God and Jesus Christ for this charlatan, M2C.  You have been deceived

    Trump is wicked, and he will lead us all into hell. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 30, 2018 9:06 PM MDT
      October 30, 2018 11:56 AM MDT

  • 35039

    I don't care it he watches TV. 

    Trust me I have not abandoned my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

    What Planned Parenthood does is abortions.  Yes they do provide birth control, STD tests and the standard tests that go with birth control. But that is not by any means the majority of their business. They count funny so they can make that small % claim. Counting each condom and birth control pill they give out as 1 service. But if you look into the amount of people served and the amount of abortions performed the % changes dramatically.  Every medical service they provide is also provided by the County Health Clinics across the country which also perform many more services than PP offers. So no one would loose any services.

    If the GDP is Obama's legacy, he waited way to long to stake that claim.  The "new normal" of 2% is all he got and he does not get credit for Trump's economy. What jobs came back to the US under Obama? 

    Obama cozyed up to Iran giving the a crazy weapons deal that guaranteed they would get nuclear. And then gave the cash, literal cash to pay for it.  

    Tariffs are a weapon to force the trade deals. Look at Mex and Canada, we have deal with them. Germany is wanting to talk and others as well.
    Deficit is not important according to Obama...he increased it more than all the other Presidents combined. I do want President Trump to get it under control. 

    Yes, we should end birth right citizenship. It is a loophole that is exploited by illegals the common term is anchor baby. We will not be the first country to end it either. France--1993, Ireland--2005, India--1987, New Zealand--2005 and Australia--2007.

    Shame to wish a President to be assassinated, but yes I do think many on the left would agree with you to their shame. 

      October 30, 2018 12:37 PM MDT

  • First...after 8 horrific years of Republican devastation to the economy and the nations psyche including thee "Great Recession", Obama's presidency was instrumental in taking on a gargantuan undertaking of resoring the the economy which continued after his presidency. This is clear by the following chart.  Trump is riding Obama's coattails.

    “Shame to wish a President to be assassinated, but yes I do think many on the left would agree with you to their shame.“

    How ridiculous. What do you think would be the number of times that conservatives talked about “lynching” Obama or the # of times he was called a “Ni**er” during his 8 years as president?   Please don’t play innocent.  Conservatives treatment of Obama was criminal

    Now, Pay attention.  You're about to get schooled:

    "Obama cozyed up to Iran giving the a crazy weapons deal that guaranteed they would get nuclear. And then gave the cash, literal cash to pay for it."

    Despite our allies confirming that Iran was complying and overwhelming evidence,  Trump and and his puppet Netanyahu lied through their rotten teeth about  Iran.  


    In 1953, the US orchestrated the Mordad Coup in Iran to get its greedy hands on their oil.    Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was installed as the Shah of Iran.  The shah was a fascist dictator who kissed America's ass and treated his own people like crap.  The Shah gave the US $400million for arms and weapons.  The Iranians were sick of this guy and they overthrew him.  There was a revolution and he ran away, taking refuge in the US. Iran wanted him back and .  The Iran revolution was still in full force going nutz because they wanted the Shah to stand charges and the US meddling in their internal affairs. The US embassy was overrun, and the staff was taken hostage. The US retaliated by freezing $12bill in cash AND did not deliver the arms that Iran already bought and paid for.

    Since then, $12 bill has been returned but that money which you claim was being paid did NOT belong to the US.

    That $400 million belonged to Iran and the US had no business keeping it.

    The first step in recovering from conservatism is learning facts


    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 30, 2018 9:06 PM MDT
      October 30, 2018 3:32 PM MDT

  • 2658
     "Whoot There It Is" - The facts.
      October 30, 2018 4:33 PM MDT

  • LOL

    I love facts
      October 30, 2018 4:44 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Your opinion and spin does not equate to facts.
      October 31, 2018 3:54 PM MDT

  • 35039
    There are racists out there....I don't run in their circles. I have only heard one person in real life use that word towards Obama and he was a former coworker and Hillary supporter. There are racists on both sides sadly.

    Under Obama people went from having a good job to working for minimum wage. Yes, that drives the UE number down but does not help overall. 

    According to CNBC:
    • The Employment Cost Index, a measure of salary and benefit costs, registered a 2.6 percent gain for the full year, tied for the best since 2007.
    • That gives President Donald Trump the best wage gains since the Great Recession, easily topping any during former President Barack Obama's entire term

    The money given to Iran was not from the 50s it was from a weapons deal gone wrong...wrong when they kidnapped Americans.  Yes, it was their money....but you don't pay with cash on a pallet. It is slimy and has been traced to terrorists....surprise surprise. Not. This post was edited by my2cents at November 1, 2018 9:51 PM MDT
      October 31, 2018 7:11 AM MDT

  • I did not say the money was from the 50s.
    I SAID the money was from an arms deal that never transpired because Iran had a revolution to overthrow the corrupt and violent US installed Pahlavi regime. 

    Pallets of money from where???the US? LOL   It has been proven 100% that there were no US dollars on pallets. That money was settling age old debts.  It was not released until 5 persons were released in Iran (NOT RANSOM) and it consisted of Swiss francs, euros and other foreign currencies; NO US $.

    Yes...Trump had the best wage gain because of Obama's Efforts. It is impossible for Trump to claim that this  amount of economic growth could be achieved in that short amount of time. It became even more laughable because that proves the economy was on an upward climb. What helped Trump was his bullshit tax break to the wealthy and corporations. 

    Wanna hear about a really sleazy Iranian deal, though? Sit back because it's a very scary story and it involves a republican God!  "

      "In early 1985 the head of the NSC, Robert C. McFarlane, undertook the sale of antitank and antiaircraft missiles to Iran in the mistaken belief that such a sale would secure the release of a number of American citizens who were being held captive in Lebanon by ShÄ«Ê¿ite terrorist groups loyal to Iran. This and several subsequent weapon sales to Iran in 1986 directly contradicted the U.S. government’s publicly stated policy of refusing either to bargain with terrorists or to aid Iran in its war with Iraq, a policy based on the belief that Iran was a sponsor of international terrorism. A portion of the $48 million that Iran paid for the arms was diverted by the NSC and given to the Contras battling the Sandinista government of Nicaragua. The monetary transfers were undertaken by NSC staff member Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North with the approval of McFarlane’s successor as head of the NSC, Rear Admiral John M. Poindexter. North and his associates also raised private funds for the Contras. These activities violated the Boland Amendment, a law passed by Congress in 1984 that banned direct or indirect U.S. military aid to the Contras."


    It would behoove you to cease the regurgitaion of false Trumpian talking points.
    They sound stupid when he says them and even more idiotic when they are repeated.  I'm justy saying

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 31, 2018 11:04 AM MDT
      October 31, 2018 7:51 AM MDT

  • 35039
    You are the one who mentioned the 1950s....and because they used other currency makes it better??? 

    Too bad Obama did not do all that while he was still President.....Hillary may have won. Lol 
    The tax cuts and deregulation is what has finally drug wages up. They only Obama had was the threat to raise the minimum wage. 

    I have a business for 24  yrs and I can tell you under Obama people did not have money to spend. I just had my biggest year ever in 2017 and 2018 is beating that...and I it nothing like under Obama.
      October 31, 2018 8:07 AM MDT

  • You were not paying attention, were you?

    I gave you a history lesson. It is impirtant to understand where the source of the problems came from.
    There should never have been a tax cut. There should have been a raise of taxes on the top wage earners and corroorations.

    Hillary shoul  have never been considered for POTUS.  That honour belongs to SOCIAL-DEMOCRAT Bernie Sanders who I supported. He would have handed trump his ass

    Under Obama, people did not have miney to spend under Obama because of the hell that the GOP put people in under Bush. It took a long time for recovery. 

    Thank Obama for any economic success Trump is claiming.

    President Trump started with a distinct advantage with a workforce of 145.7 million, 9% larger than when President Obama took office. If the workforce were to only grow by 2% that would add just over 2.9 million jobs a year or 243,000 per month. Over the course of 10 years, there would be over 29 million jobs added.

    Additionally, over President Obama’s last six and five years in office after the economy had recovered from the Great Recession, the average employment gains were 2.42 and 2.48 million jobs per year.

    I know you are worried that you are going to appear to have lost this debate and it will look bad when it is found in a Google search. That's OK. take a deep breath

    Need more punishment??? Here are the Numbers and Facts from Forbes:

    • Over 2 million jobs added per year for the past 8 years

    Below are the employment gains from President Bush’s last four years in office from just before the start of the Great Recession, through President Obama’s and so far through President Trump’s tenure.

    Bush’s last four years in office:

    • 2005: 210,000 per month or 2.52 million for the year
    • 2006: 175,000 per month or 2.09 million
    • 2007: 96,000 per month or 1.15 million
      • Last six months averaged 55,000 per month
    • 2008: Negative 297,000 per month (recession takes hold)
      • Lost 3.6 million jobs

    Obama’s eight years:

    • 2009: Negative 422,000 per month


      • Lost 5.1 million jobs (teeth of the recession)
    • 2010:  88,000 per month or 1.05 million for the year
    • 2011: 174,000 per month or 2.09 million
    • 2012: 179,000 per month or 2.14 million
    • 2013: 192,000 per month or 2.3 million
    • 2014: 250,000 per month or 3 million
    • 2015: 226,000 per month or 2.7 million
    • 2016: 187,000 per month or 2.24 million

    Trump’s through September:

    • 2017: 182,000 per month or 2.19 million
    • Through September 2018: 208,000 per month or 2.5 million run rate
    U.S. employment


    Unemployment rate has been dropping for 9 years

    The unemployment rate shows pretty much the same progression from President Obama to President Trump . The unemployment rate started to climb the last two years of President Bush’s second term and substantially in Obama’s first year as the Great Recession that he had inherited was having a huge impact.

    Bush’s last four years in office:

    • December 2005: 4.9%
    • December 2006: 4.4%, decreased 0.5%
    • December 2007: 5.0%, increased 0.6%
    • December 2008: 7.3%, increased 2.3%

    Obama’s time in office

    • December 2009: 9.9%, increased 2.6%(teeth of the recession)
    • December 2010: 9.3%, decreased 0.6%
    • December 2011: 8.5%, decreased 0.8%
    • December 2012: 7.9%, decreased 0.6%
    • December 2013: 6.7%, decreased 1.2%
    • December 2014: 5.6%, decreased 1.1%
    • December 2015: 5.0%, decreased 0.6%
    • December 2016: 4.7%, decreased 0.3%

    Trump’s through September:

    • December 2017: 4.1%, decreased 0.6%
    • September 2018: 3.7%, decreased 0.4%

    The second graph that shows the U.S. unemployment rate continues on essentially the same path even with a slightly higher GDP growth rate (based on trailing four quarters growth).

    U.S. unemployment rate


    Here is the full link to the Forbes article f you want to read it yourself.

    So there you have it. I rely on experts to provide the truth over someone pulling numbers and opinions out of hat and I;m sorry, your perpensity to quote Trump without fact-checking  taints your credibility

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 31, 2018 8:29 AM MDT
      October 31, 2018 8:25 AM MDT

  • 35039
    Let's not forget who signed the bill that made it possible for the banks to cause the Great Recession......Bill Clinton. 

    Tax increases do not help jobs....they do not help wages. 
    I hope Bernie does run. It will be a cake walk. 

    Do you know which state tried Single payer healthcare? Vermont of course and even they had to roll it back because it was unsustainable. Without a massive tax increase too much for even the bluest of states.
      October 31, 2018 8:56 AM MDT

  • "Let's not forget who signed the bill that made it possible for the banks to cause the Great Recession......Bill Clinton"

    Yet, GW allowed Banks to run rampant. I didn;t cote for Clinton, but almost everyone agrees, ther country was running beautifully under Bill Clinto and THAT is a fact 

    The US is already doing SIngle-Payer Healhcare....It's called Medicare and it is quite obvious you never even looked at the Proposals that Berne Sanders p.

    Do you have any idea on how much welfare we give Israel each year? Put that into a national Medicare for all system The debate on that is done. I live in New Hampshire so I know full well what my neighbors have.

    Roll back those tax cuts,   stop paying for Trump's lavish lifestyle, start cutting those military budget increase, close thos damn tax loop holes...
    Socialized medicine is common in most civilize countries INCLUDING Canada. I live withing 16 miles from the border and travel their quite frequently.

    They are healthier, thnner, and happy with their healthcare system. You however will now come back with some form of stat or commenttypical of someone who has never been to Canada or who actually knows anyone iin Canada.


    Bernie’s plan will cost over $6 trillion less than the current health care system over the next ten years.

    The United States currently spends $3 trillion on health care each year—nearly $10,000 per person. Reforming our health care system, simplifying our payment structure and incentivizing new ways to make sure patients are actually getting better health care will generate massive savings. This plan has been estimated to save the American people and businesses over $6 trillion over the next decade.

    The typical middle class family would save over $5,000 under this plan.

    Last year, the average working family paid $4,955 in premiums and $1,318 in deductibles to private health insurance companies. Under this plan, a family of four earning $50,000 would pay just $466 per year to the single-payer program, amounting to a savings of over $5,800 for that family each year.

    Businesses would save over $9,400 a year in health care costs for the average employee.

    The average annual cost to the employer for a worker with a family who makes $50,000 a year would go from $12,591 to just $3,100.

    You can read the rest yourself. I stand by Bernie Sanders and agree with all of this

    I SAID IT BEFORE AND I SHALL SAY IT AGAIN, How can you as a Christian stand by and say you care about life, be anti-abortion, and yet...not care about people getting wuality health care that they deserve? Healthcare is not a privlidge nor is it something to be marketted...


      October 31, 2018 10:44 AM MDT

  • 35039
    Did I defend Bush? He let us down as well. He should have fixed it. He should have stopped jobs from leaving but no he like the rest of DC was afraid of China etc, Romney as well. Told people to go back to school. School does not help if there are no jobs. Telling people that American jobs moving overseas was just how it worked. But new companies grow to take their place. Forget him and the rest of the establishment. Right or Left. 

    Medicare is not a single payer unless you only have traditional Medicare. There are many plans that are public-private policies....and you get much better coverage. But I would not tout Medicare as your successful single is broke. 

    I don't have health insurance. I did paid was like an Obamacare policy. Expensive with a high deductible....but I had an insurance card....whoop whoop. 

    Do not question my devotion as a Christian.

    Jesus did not say Give unto Caesar so Caesar can give to the poor. 
    The church is who God says should take care of the poor. Not the gov...there are Christian programs which do help people with their healthcare. Along with all the other things they do.

    Part of the problem is healthcare is not marketed like other products. Non insurance sold across the country. No way to price shop. You don't know the price until they bill you and then the bill is crazy. $20 for an aspirin, $500 for walking into the door. Bunch of BS. A real free market would help some of that. 

    Instead of a tax break give people a rebate payable only to a health insurance plan. And see just how fast these insurance companies get right....competing for that money. Rather than paying for a insurance card....actually pay for real healthcare.
      October 31, 2018 12:43 PM MDT

  • OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I see where you are getting fed your BS.

    Trump lying through his teeth toay about the economy.

    Wait till it comes down from its sugar rush caused by the tax cut stimulus. LOL

      October 31, 2018 3:51 PM MDT

  • 2658
      October 30, 2018 2:15 PM MDT

  • 35039
    I vote Republican to keep socialists and liberals from ruining the country.
      October 31, 2018 8:09 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Exactly my sentiments.  And I voted Democratic for years because I saw there was a real respect there for our traditions and our way of life.  Which seems to have changed - now I can't see any love for country or our historical institutions at all.  But rather they want to see it all destroyed and rebuild it in their image which has no practical basis.  It is one thing to envy those who work hard and make sacrifices to achieve something for themselves but quite another to become so resentful they seek to destroy anyone they deem is doing better than they are themselves. 
      October 31, 2018 8:46 AM MDT

  • 5354
     Oh, but they do care about life. A lot. Just not a life after birth.
      October 30, 2018 3:33 PM MDT

  • 2658
    When the dollar rules the pulpit, (bully pulpit)  then the Devil rules the pews (the trumpters).

    Inspired by a song lyrics...
      October 30, 2018 4:47 PM MDT