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Ladies and gentlemen of AnswerMug, just as this public fray has unraveled before you, I wish to call for an equally public truce between

Lollipop and myself. 

A truce is the immediate remedy I thought of when I first became aware of this day-long topic thread, I just haven't been available until now.  I have only seen a glimpse of the traffic concerning this row, and that was more than ten hours ago, so I don't know what else has transpired nor which drawbridges have been pulled up around your castle and around my castle. I have not read the depth and breadth of what all has been written, nor will I be able to, but I understand it's a lot.

To me, it seems pointless to fight about a comment I made in passing that I had no idea would hit you in this manner. I believe you have the right not only to post the photo, but also to defend it. I also believe I have the right to express my perception of it, and that it's ok if neither you nor I agree with each other. I did not disparage you as a person nor accuse you of any outright wrongdoing, I voiced my opinion about what can or could be construed by the photo. I readily state that because it's an opinion, it's neither right nor wrong, it's exactly that, my opinion. Just as staunchly as you stand by your position, I also stand by mine. If I have misunderstood everything involving this from the minister I read your post, I am willing to admit I saw it wrong. If you have misunderstood me, then I hope you are also willing to admit that you could possibly have been wrong, but it's not something I seek if you'd rather not. 

Lollipop, I have absolutely no animosity for you, nor did I intend to offend you. I'm not as invested in my comment to your use of the photo as you seem to be in decrying the comment, which is your right. I see no need for continued bickering, and if you're willing to depart from it, this can end here and now. 

I am not above apologizing to you, Lollipop, and to everyone else specifically and only for the strife that has punctuated this entire day. I don't ask for nor expect any apology from you, Lollipop, because all you did was stick up for your rights. If you agree to bury the hatchet, you have my undying attention. Thank you, Lollipop, and thank you all.


Posted - October 31, 2018


  • OMG!  To say that I am truly touched by your post would be a gross understatement.  Randy, it takes a very big man to step out on the limb you just put yourself on and I am quite moved.  I like to think that I am usually good at words but you have left me speechless and I am sitting here without the comfort of knowing what to say, except thank you so much.  This means more than you know.  I have raked you over the coals most of the day without knowing at the time that you weren't even available to defend yourself.  I am not a person who enjoys spending time embroiled in heated battles.  Its just not my nature and this whole day has left me feeling sick, embarrassed, ashamed, angry, and a whole plethora of other unpleasant emotions.  Your outstretched hand of peace is welcomed and accepted.  I too agree to a complete truce.  If you can forgive me, I can certainly forgive you.  Today's events will be remembered and spoken of no more.  What you just did, is to me, what answerMug is really all about, not the less flattering displays everyone had the misfortune to witness today.  Thank you ever so much and BTW, feel free to correct my spelling and grammar anytime without reprisals.

      October 31, 2018 11:36 PM MDT

  • 53629

    You're a true gentleman, Lollipop, and you've pleasantly arrived at a resolution to all of this. My friend, I'll do you even one better: how about if I go back and delete my comment that originally started this whole thing?  If that would be acceptable to you, we can let all bygones be bygones. 

    ~ This post was edited by Randy D at November 1, 2018 11:50 PM MDT
      October 31, 2018 11:57 PM MDT

  • I am perfectly fine with that idea and have already removed one post regarding this whole dust-up.  I will try to clear any other bits of ugliness lying around cluttering the floors of these threads.
      November 1, 2018 12:20 AM MDT

  • 53629

      November 1, 2018 12:37 AM MDT

  • That was lovely from both of you Randy and Lollipop:)   
      October 31, 2018 11:46 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Your meds.  Take them.  Now.

      November 1, 2018 12:40 AM MDT

  • 22891
    thats between you and lollipop
      November 1, 2018 10:56 AM MDT

  • 1305
    "Public Affray"

    "Lollipop and I"


    "neither expect"

    Glad to hear the hatchet is buried, Bravo Randy!

    The photo wasn't inappropriate, it was damn right offensive, that 1970's green velour sofa gave me the shudders!
      November 1, 2018 1:08 PM MDT

  • 53629
    noun: 1 a situation of intense activity, typically one incorporating an element of aggression or competition.
    "nineteen companies intend to bid for the contract, with three more expected to enter the fray"

    2 a battle or fight.

    plural noun: frays

    synonyms: battle, fight, engagement, conflict, clash, skirmish, altercation, tussle, struggle, scuffle, melee, brawl, fracas;
    More informal: scrap, set-to
    "two men started the fray"

      November 2, 2018 6:40 AM MDT