America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. - Abraham Lincoln
“Trump is a political weapon of mass self-destruction for American democracy — for its norms, for its morality, for sheer human decency,” - Henry Aaron
The course of the deteriorating environment. I don’t mean Climate Change alone, I refer to the befoulment and depletion of the earth and it’s myriad systems and resources.
Seven billion and counting. 90% live amid bad air quality. There are very few natural water sources left fit to drink; the man-made ones aren’t doing great either. Another species of life disappears nearly daily. We’re running out of places to stow garbage. Birds and fish are full of plastic, as are the seas, which are rising.
I’ll bore you no further with this, but we should all be paying attention.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at November 10, 2018 4:55 PM MST
Yet we are living with an administration that prides itself on reversing regulations that would help limit this destruction. I wouldn't be at all surprised if at least half of this administration belongs to the Flat Earth Society.
I think there are some very important things to know in this life, but wouldn't want people to worry about not knowing the depth of themselves, worrying just will give you an ulcer, besides what we need to know will present itself. not to worry If Heart Mind and Soul are all awake, no matter what, ...all is good.
They have a horrid rap in the USA and they have a lot of income. They have billions. So, they are now focusing on needy countries who would be perfect to brainwash.
Kind of like what Trump did with his base.
They are ripe for the brainwashing, these indigent Nigerians. Now Scientology and David Miscavige want to take over the planet. Not just Nigeria. But if they take their money and invest it in a country and make superstars out of a lot of them, that is all the publicity they need to attract morons the world over to join their forces.
Kind of like Mormons on steroids. You know how Mormons go on missions to brainwash indigent countries? This is way worse. Mormons, mostly have their hearts in the right place even though they must realize they are total control freaks.
But Scientologists? They are beyond control freaks. They are your very own thought police. Imagine how they can trick and con people who don't have a clue what they are doing or up to.
I'm scared. He could be Trump's twin he is so ridiculous --this idiot Hubbard.