I'll take a red please. From age 10 to 19 my life was total chaos beyond my control. At 19 I had nothing but I did have contol. Even with the knowledge I have now it would be a long tortuous ordeal to work my way up from that to a decent life. As it is, I beat the odds by a million miles, that would never happen again. My worst troubles ended when I was about 50, $50 million at 45 would have moved that back a few years.
Both choices have their advantages, and at first I was going to say red, but then blue, and then I went back and forth on the pros and cons of each one of them. Sigh, I'll settle for blue: less chaos in the lives of others if I start out as a youngster. (But that blue sure looks attractive too.) ~
This post was edited by Randy D at November 11, 2018 2:43 PM MST
What if I cheated and took both pills? I'd be willing to split the age difference by subtracting ten years from the 45-year offer, making me 35 years old with $50,000,000! Ka-CHING!
This post was edited by Randy D at November 12, 2018 12:18 AM MST
Quick, where's the antidote, where is the danged antidote? Don't just sit there staring at the screen, DO SOMETHING!!!! Grrrrrrr. Never mind, listen since you started all of this, you have to help me. Call 911 and get me to a hospital to have my stomach pumped STAT! Now you're just sitting there laughing, you're no help at all! No, forget the paramedics, it'll take too long, even faster than that, just get me a glass half filled with milk and half filled with vinegar; I need to induce vomiting right away! Where are you? Oh, I see you're on the floor, you laughed so hard that you fell out of your chair, is that it? Well, get up, go to the kitchen and bring me a spoon, I'll induce vomiting on my own. So now you're rolling around on the floor, this doesn't help me at all, fine, my medical emergency is just sitcom humor to you. I hope you laugh so hard that pee on yourself. Forget the spoon since you find it so hilarious, I'll just stick my finger down my throat and gag myself. Grrrrrrrr. ~
This post was edited by Randy D at November 11, 2018 5:48 PM MST