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How much do you think God weighs?

I prayed to have him help me lose weight.  What does he think is my ideal weight?

Posted - November 12, 2018


  • 13277
    loose weight lose weight. How do you know that god weighs anything, and why do you suppose that god cares how much you weigh and can help you lose weight? Assuming god is capable of human thought, don't you think god has enough to think about without worrying about your weight?
      November 12, 2018 6:20 PM MST

  • 3523
    Loose, lose.  I always do that.  I'll never learn.  It's like lied and laid.
      November 12, 2018 7:49 PM MST

  • 44746
      November 14, 2018 8:50 AM MST

  • 13277
    In your opinion. I don't think of god as being human or having human attributes, so no capitalization is necessary IMO. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at November 14, 2018 10:01 AM MST
      November 14, 2018 8:52 AM MST

  • 44746
    OK. I've just always seen it capitalized.
      November 14, 2018 10:02 AM MST

  • 5391
    It would help if we knew how tall God is. 
    You don’t need God to figure out your ideal weight. There are doctors for that. 
      November 12, 2018 6:49 PM MST

  • 3523
    My doctor is fallible.  
      November 12, 2018 7:50 PM MST

  • 5391
    Find a better doctor. God won’t send you a personalized BMI recommendation. 
      November 12, 2018 8:10 PM MST

  • He is a ethereal being and therefore has no measurable weight:)
      November 12, 2018 8:08 PM MST

  • 13395
    I don't think God weighs anything at present -he gave up all his material poundage in order to create the universe. 
      November 12, 2018 10:14 PM MST

  • 22891
    probably nothing since hes spirit
      November 13, 2018 9:39 AM MST

  • 952
    We never allowed God put on weight, always throwing our problems to him asking for solution!

      November 14, 2018 3:51 AM MST

  • 6023
    If "god is everywhere" ... then his weight is that of the universe.

    And since the universe is expanding ... then so is god's waistline.
    So I don't think he cares about your weight. This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at November 14, 2018 11:33 AM MST
      November 14, 2018 8:40 AM MST

  • 1393
    Q "How much do you think God weighs? I prayed to have him help me lose weight. What does he think is my ideal weight?"

    1. God weighs far more than you can ever imagine. He weighs every deed done and word uttered by all beings with free will who have ever lived and will ever live. Now if you think of the billions of people who have already lived and the billions of things each has said and done then that'll give you a rough idea of how much God weighs - yes, almost an infinite amount.

    2. Hey man, you don't need to pray to God to lose anything. Just be a helpful guy who readily lends what he has to others. After a while you'll forget who you lent it to and that's it - it's as good as lost.

    3. Depends on what you ask Him for. If it's to make you wealthy like the richest guys around, then don't be surprised if He thinks your ideal wait is a lifetime.

    Well, you must surely have heard that God works in mysterious weighs!
      November 18, 2018 5:52 PM MST