The fewer letters there are, the easier this is, and since numbers are infinite, the possibilities increase as more letters are used. Even so, let's see how many we can collectively list.
Example: one, two, six, and ten each have 3 letters; zero, four, five, and nine each have 4 letters. Jumping way ahead, twenty-eight, twelve million, and three hundred eighty-eight have 11, 13, and 23 letters respectively. Other numbers that also have 11, 13, or 23 letters match up to their sets.
1. English language only
2. Whole numbers only, no fractions, decimals, etc
3. Hyphens and spaces do not count as letters
4. Re-read rule number 6
5. Unless you skipped ahead reading the rules, you haven't yet read rule number 6
6. But now you have.
7. If you read number 4 and followed it, then you're really confused
8. Enjoy!