My father loves Golden Corral. I went with him one time and loved his enjoyment and company. There is nothing like enjoying a good meal with loved ones.
Let me guess. Wait. Is this a trap to guess your weight and before I do, are you going to be mad if I guess lighter? ;) :) Can we start with what shape your elements have created to make the mass you carry or is this too personal? Big giggles. These are all questions that do not need an answer. I'm just glad to be back. ;) :)
I would not eat at a buffet if it was free. My grandkids drug me into a Cece Pizza place. It upset them that I would not allow them to eat from the buffet; I made them order their own pizza. Grandmothers can be such a drag.
As Stu said, it definitely depends on the restaurant and the food.
For the last 5+ years my wife invites about 30 or so people on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to our house for a buffet meal with turkey, beef or pork, and shrimp scampi. Five or so people bring large servings of their specialty side dishes; my wife prepares the rest.
Lately, I have adapted buffet style eating at dinner time. My wife cooks the 3 or 4 items for dinner, and I usually eat one at a time on my plate in whatever order I choose.
I happen to like your style of eating. When I was younger, I would never let the food on my plate touch. I was devastated to find out it all got mixed up in my stomach. To this day, I don't like my food to touch even after what my dad said. :) :)
I've never been a big eater so paying for food I am not going eat doesn't seem like a good choice. I'm not so much a picky eater but I don't like my food to touch and I always get things on the side. For this reason, you would think buffets would be a good choice for me.
BUT, the biggest let down and turn off for me and buffets was when we lived in Florida.
We had been driving for days and it was late. When we reached the Florida State Line, I was a billboard saying Buffet for $4.95. I thought that was pretty great. We drove a little further and another sign said Buffet for $5.95. A few miles down the road another HUGE billboard said Buffet on Sunday for $6.95. I said to Don, "Man, I never knew tickets for Jimmy Buffett could be so cheap. We should have stopped at the boarder and bought them for $4.95 while they lasted. The further we get into Florida, the more expensive they are and we can't afford anymore than 5 bucks a pop." I went on to say, "Can you believe they wanted $175 for them in California?? What a rip off that was. All we had to do is come down here."
I won't tell you his response but from that day forth, I've never eaten at a Buffet and still do like Jimmy Buffett.
I was Really tired and wishing I could have a margarita that they didn't serve at any of the buffets. :) :)