Oh you mean you don't want me to go on and on and on about it? Because I can. People on the road do not realize that they can cause a major accident because they want to let you know how disappointed they are that you are in their way. This is sociopathic.
Trying to tailgate anyone on the highway is suicide. Trying to cut someone off as they enter the highway so they can get ahead, is INSANE.
I was kinda referring to reactions to situations to avoid accidents etc. How fast are you. Example: When I was teaching chemistry, I would drop a piece of glass wear once in a while. My reaction was quick enough to get my foot in place so my shoe would break the fall.
Frankly, in a basic one stimulus / one reaction scenario, I am not aware of any slowdown compared to my youth.
From which I can only conclude that my reaction time is still sufficient to handle any challenges my life is presenting me with---so if I was "super" fast when younger, I could have slowed down by 50% and still be "fast enough."
I can still get my foot between the floor and any frangible object I drop.
It depends: when attractive women are nearby, mere milliseconds, but when I see a typo, about twice that time, a split second. Wow, that certainly puts things in perspective.