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Discussion » Questions » Fashion » If they have lightbulbs that last a hundred years, why can't they make pantyhose that do not run? (Does anyone wear them anymore?)

If they have lightbulbs that last a hundred years, why can't they make pantyhose that do not run? (Does anyone wear them anymore?)

Posted - November 30, 2018


  • 44744
    That kinda begs a question...If you don't wear them, why would you care? Now, about those light bulbs. The new LED ones are supposed to out last me. I had one go bad in two years. Made in China, of course.
      November 30, 2018 5:28 PM MST

  • 46117
    Made in the White House, I reckon.

    Well, I was thinking about them hose because women still wear them.  I don't need them for anything.  Ever.

    I do wear tights though.
      November 30, 2018 6:41 PM MST

  • 14795
    I don't wear tights ....I'm a stocking girl and don't like feeling  so Inclothed .......they also look and feel  so. much  nicer I think.......and yes ....blonde's :)do think at times I'm told......:)
      November 30, 2018 5:59 PM MST

  • 46117
    Honey, what the hades are you saying???

    I never said tights.  I said panty HOSE.  Those are nylons with the tops already included.

    If you were those other corset thingies, well those are weird. JUST WEIRD.  

      November 30, 2018 6:43 PM MST

  • 14795
    Panty Hose are called Tights in England.....Stoskings are single leg nylons that looks and feel so much better to wear....
    i don't wear Corsets .....but will happilly Bask in a Basque or Nice Body ..... :)D
      December 1, 2018 3:01 AM MST

  • 976
    I detest pantyhose and frankly anything that includes the word panty.
      November 30, 2018 7:38 PM MST

  • 46117
    I'm LIKE that about certain words too.  

    I remember the "we're pregnant" nausea when two lovebirds were having a child.  GIVE ME A BREAK.

    Then there is the word stink.  I hate that word.  I don't want to discuss things that stink.

    Enjoy.  That word bugs me too.  I enjoyed that party.  Such a phony word.
      November 30, 2018 7:47 PM MST

  • 6988
    I know a guy, 60 y.o., who has been nicknamed 'Stink' all his life.  The name arose from his father's opinion after a diaper change.  The ironic thing is that 'Stink' works for a company that cleans out septic tanks! 
      December 2, 2018 6:29 AM MST

  • 13277
    Who's "they?" Let me know, because I 'd love to get some of those bulbs.
      November 30, 2018 7:41 PM MST

  • 46117
    THEY keep advertising the fact that a led bulb lasts a hundred years.  Look it up, I'm tired.
      November 30, 2018 7:48 PM MST

  • 46117
    Stu, I just looked it up and whomever said it, was of the beam.  10 years max.  So, I am guilty of believing television or the intertubes.  Whatever.  You were right on and I stand corrected.  Try not to climax.  
      November 30, 2018 8:01 PM MST

  • 13277
    Feel free to sit corrected and take a load off! LOL.
      November 30, 2018 8:14 PM MST

  • 44744
    Since 'they' is plural, shouldn't it be: Who are they?

    I have asked who 'they' were for decades.
      December 1, 2018 7:30 AM MST

  • 46117
    I'm on a diet. I'm trying.  

      November 30, 2018 8:16 PM MST

  • I wear pantyhose only on special occasions with a Western dress. Legs definitely look more elegant in it. It's always on my shopping list when I travel abroad. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 1, 2018 8:21 AM MST
      November 30, 2018 8:44 PM MST

  • 10786
    It's a known fact that panthoyse are cowardly (they always run).

    Don't throw out "ruined" pantyhose.  They still have plenty of uses ... 

    * They make great plant ties.  They're strong and yet won't injure plants or trees. 
    * You can use them to hold cantaloupe, watermelon, and pumpkins off the ground.  This makes for a more uniformly round melon/gourd (anfd they can hold a lot of weight).
      November 30, 2018 9:59 PM MST

  • 44744
    You forgot this use:

      December 1, 2018 7:33 AM MST

  • 10786
    Ah... a non-surgical facelift.
      December 1, 2018 11:43 AM MST

  • 10026
    And quite the improvement.  
      December 1, 2018 3:38 PM MST

  • 5835
    Well, they do make pantyhose that won't run. They look like this:

      December 1, 2018 3:06 AM MST

  • 10026
    It took me a ho second to figure this out but once I did, I Cracked Up!!!  :D! :D!
      December 1, 2018 3:37 PM MST

  • 22891
    nnaybe you should try inventing that
      December 1, 2018 2:01 PM MST

  • 5835
      December 3, 2018 5:08 AM MST