Credentials mean very little....actual hands on experiences is far more important....Many people pass out of colleges with flying colours yet have not the faintest idea about applying what's they have learned in actual real life situations....:(
Surgeons aren't permitted to perform surgery straight out of medical school. You have to do an internship first, takes years. Then you're a registrar in your chosen specialty (if you don't go into general practice), doing stuff that not even scrub nurses will do, then slowly working your way up to assistant surgeon before being gowned for the first time as boss.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at December 10, 2018 8:04 AM MST
Well I know some old timers who can hit a egg with a tip of a tree that they are cutting down 200 feet away. It's pretty impressive but not if it get's someone hurt because safety rules weren't followed. A person with certified credentials is trained to do a job one way (safely) so for some jobs it's best to go with some one who has the credentials to do the job properly and safely. Cheers!