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New "Baby It is Cold Outside". The old Dean Martin version has been banned on many Christmas stations due to complaints. What do you think?

I cannot get video to post from Twitter.

Posted - December 12, 2018


  • 22891
    ive never heard that song
      December 12, 2018 1:40 PM MST

  • 10783
    Until it was pointed it out, I never thought of it as a rape song.  Perhaps they're reading too much into it?  I never really liked it anyhow.
      December 12, 2018 2:03 PM MST

  • 34990
    If you take the whole context it is not at all a rape song.  The woman is looking for a reason to stay.... "Say 'What's in this drink?'" (I cannot drive) He says "There's no cabs to be had out there." 

    Yes, reading much to much in to it. (Darn Bill Cosby ruining everything)
      December 12, 2018 2:20 PM MST

  • 976
    I like Dean Martin's version. I always have and always will. It's still on Sirius Radio. 
      December 12, 2018 3:58 PM MST

  • 34990
    I do as well. 
      December 13, 2018 4:54 AM MST

  • 7809
    Snowflakes through and through.
      December 12, 2018 5:28 PM MST

  • 34990
      December 13, 2018 6:12 AM MST

  • 5391
    I think ol’ Dino was such a lame singer the rest of his recordings should join the boycott. 
      December 12, 2018 8:21 PM MST

  • "A popular song, written in 1949, is being banned 69 years later for inappropriate lyrics."

                    Doesn't say much for our ability to recognize evil ... does it.

      December 12, 2018 8:24 PM MST

  • 34990
      December 13, 2018 4:53 AM MST

  • 19937
    I think there's nothing wrong with the song.  I also think that there are far too many people who wake up each morning and specifically ask themselves, "What can I find offensive today?"  How is it they aren't creating a furor over the really, truly disgusting lyrics in some of the hip hop songs?
      December 12, 2018 8:44 PM MST

  • 34990
    I agree. 100%. 
    They will not attack the rap lyrics because the same people would scream racist. 
      December 13, 2018 4:53 AM MST

  • 53667

      December 13, 2018 5:10 AM MST

  • 14795
    Very true....,it's called double are allowed to kick only certain types of people nowadays it seems...
      December 13, 2018 5:19 AM MST

  • 34990
    Yep, and some are deemed untouchable. 
      December 13, 2018 5:36 AM MST

  • 14795
    How rediculous is that.......we have that here so much in England....PC borderes on stupidity so much these days....:( 
      December 13, 2018 6:35 AM MST

  • 34990
    They just are not happy until people cannot have an opinion without ridicule.
      December 13, 2018 8:32 AM MST

  • 14795
    I find there are more and more getting on the band wagon  in local government offices...give a menial power and they'll find a way to miss use it to justify there jobs....:(
      December 13, 2018 8:40 AM MST

  • 7939
    O_o  That is arguably one of the cutest Christmas songs of all time.  #Lame

    Twitter is dumb and you can't repost from there. I found the vid on YouTube though. It cracked me up.

      December 12, 2018 9:46 PM MST

  • 34990
    I like the song but I don't really consider it a Christmas song. 

    Thanks for posting. I had not tried YouTube
      December 13, 2018 5:00 AM MST

  • 53667

      Along those same lines, there's another song that from the very first time I heard the lyrics, I've considered it a child-molester song. The shame of it is that I love the artist and I love a lot of his other music, I just don't understand why no one else sees the underlying message in the lyrics. The song in question is "Get Out of my Dreams, Get Into my Car" by Billy Ocean (1988). It's not even the entire song that concerns me, it's the opening lines and the refrain, the chorus. I imagine a pedophile trolling the streets around an elementary school or high school with this song blasting through the speakers and dangling a bag of candy out the window as he looks for his next victims.

    Hey you, get into my car! Who me?
    Yes you, get into my car
    Woooooooooh. Wah! Hey

    Get outta my dreams
    Get into my car
    Get outta my dreams
    (Get into the back seat, baby)
    Get into my car
    (Beep Beep, yeah)
    Get outta my mind
    Get into my life
    Oh I said hey (Hey) you (You)
    Get into my car

      December 13, 2018 5:09 AM MST

  • 34990
    I never thought about it that way. I remember the video it shows him shouting to a grown woman. So never thought about it in terms of pedophilia.  Could apply to any kidnapper....of kids or adults.
      December 13, 2018 5:48 AM MST

  • 53667

      You're right about the reference to a grown woman, even the full lyrics have it that way, which is why I stated the underlying message is what concerns me. 
    ~ This post was edited by Randy D at December 13, 2018 6:04 AM MST
      December 13, 2018 5:52 AM MST

  • 6098
    Had no idea Dean Martin recorded that song. I associate it with Ray Charles and Betty Carter.  Looking it up I see that it was a hit, long before I was born,  by Dinah Shore and Buddy Clark, and Margaret Whiting and Johnny Mercer.  Banned because of the cold temperatures in some parts of the country? 
      December 13, 2018 5:11 AM MST