Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you loyal to your mate? Do you complain about him/her to others or does what goes on between you kept private?

Are you loyal to your mate? Do you complain about him/her to others or does what goes on between you kept private?

Posted - December 16, 2018


  • 11371
    I am plus I'm loyal to my buddies wife's - if I see a buddy trying to mess around I'll give them a piece of my mind. Cheers!
      December 16, 2018 10:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    Good for you Nanoose!  I'm not a fan of men or women who kvetch and bit** and moan and groan and complain about their mates to outsiders about anything! EVERYONE is an outsider except the two people in the relationship. Just my opinion. I don't do that and I sure as he** don't listen to people who do that.Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 17, 2018 2:56 AM MST
      December 17, 2018 2:55 AM MST

  • 46117
    I am loyal to all my circle.  I don't talk about people behind their backs.  I say it to their face.

    ALWAYS.  I never will hide behind a bushel.  
      December 16, 2018 10:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    When some females get together they often spend the time trashing their mates and sharing "war" stories. That's why I have never joined any group of women who get together regularly. Men I suspect do the same dam* thing when they get together. They all suck in my opinion. If they have a problem deal directly with the source. Otherwise shut up and get over it! SIGH. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      December 17, 2018 2:59 AM MST

  • I have always been way too loyal to the guys I dated. None of them deserved it  Except my current guy.  He has learned from misunderstandings and offenses of others what will keep us together:)
      December 16, 2018 10:55 AM MST

  • 113301
     I'm not sure how one can be "way too loyal" Cinders. If a guy is mistreating you dump the sap IMMEDIATELY and move on. Don't stay and suffer and then go to your circle of friends/relatives for comfort by finking on the guy. I have no patience with such people. You should always directly confront the source of the problem. Not whine about it to mummy or your best friend or a co-worker or whomever. I think it cheapens the people who do that. Just my opinion. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday!  :)
      December 17, 2018 3:02 AM MST

  • Actually like other women I held it all in and didn't go whining about it to other people.  Knowing my personal experience I was way too loyal.  When someone is betraying my trust I will always feel that way. We are all different in how we handle such unpleasant issues.  But I appreciate you thoughts.  Enjoy your week Rosie;)
      December 18, 2018 12:00 AM MST

  • 14795
    Very loyal and I'm not a complainer to others.....
    What goes on behind closed doors ,stays behind closed doors.....I was only discussing that with Mrs Smith and her friends in our local supermarket last week.....Oh ,and the weeks before....  :) 
      December 17, 2018 3:32 AM MST

  • 6098
    I have talked about him on this site and yes I guess at times complained on here.  Sometimes dishing the dirt with the girls all of whom know him and one of whom used to be married to him.  Never to anyone else. 
      December 17, 2018 4:56 AM MST

  • 17036
    I can't complain. Nobody listens.
      December 18, 2018 12:03 AM MST