Who criticized you, who said I didn't like your answer? I asked you why we need to know that, I didn't criticize you. Criticizing would be, "There's something wrong with your answer, there's something wrong with you." Remember when you went ballistic over the women who posted answers about their monthly cycles because you found it out of taste, and everyone reminded you that you wrote about defecation all the time? You apologized once you realized that one bodily function might seem impolite to discuss while another is not, it's up to each individual to decide what's appropriate. This is similar. I didn't say you were wrong or the topic was wrong, I asked why you thought we're interested in your bathroom habits. ~
I do not. The earliest I recall forgetting something is 3rd grade when my mom told me not to wear orange socks with the blue dress for a play that I was in. I forgot, and I accidentally wore those socks with that blue dress. She was SO mad, her first comment after my wonderful performance on stage was ..I forget now, but it was about making sure that I understood how horrible I was for forgetting.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 20, 2018 4:43 AM MST
Mostly I forget the things I remember ,so I have to think of new things to forget in case I don't remember the thing I chose to forget... I hope that don't make sense to you as I'm quite confused my self :(
Aw, I love this. It makes sense to me, and I can completely relate. Clearly, my insomnia is out of control, because I understood it without any effort. lol
Great.! I'll be grate ful if you could explain what I said to me then as I've yet to make sense of any thing I say....and if I forget to reply to this message please feel feee to remind me so I can forget again in futhre when I'll have more time to forget again.... :(
Nor sure why you would even imagine that we are always forgetting things. And most women have a difficult enough time without being told we have to remember this or that particular thing. Anyway not up to you to remind us.