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What are some of the lowest, most insensitive things your parent(s) ever said or did to you?

When I got into a college prep high school, my father assured me that it wasn't because I had done well on the intelligence test as they stated, but instead because they wanted our money.  That's one.  Thanks Dad!

Posted - December 27, 2018


  • 4624
    During a wintry day at primary school, a massive thunderstorm blew. 
    When I arrived home that afternoon, I could see through the glass doors that a massive tree branch had fallen across the roof of Jamie's kennel.
    Dad said, with a forlorn face and voice, "I have very bad news. Jamie's dead. He was in his kennel when the branch fell."
    I screamed - probably loud enough to hurt everyone's ears.
    I ran outside, calling his name, already streaming tears.
    There he was, my rusty-red Miniature Pinscher, at the opposite end of his running line, snagged on another fallen branch, straining against his lead, jumping up and down and yapping for joy to see me.
    My tears turned to tears of relief. I cuddled him and he licked the tears off my face.
    I released him and brought him into the house.
    Dad could barely stop laughing long enough to say, "I just wanted to test how much you loved him." 
    I interpreted it as him taking great satisfaction in my distress.
    It was typical of his favourite kinds of practical jokes.
    At it remains a key reason why I detest people who enjoy humour at the expense of the feelings of others. This post was edited by inky at December 28, 2018 4:58 PM MST
      December 28, 2018 12:21 AM MST

  • 13395
    I 'almost set the barn on fire' one time when I was a kid. I had a little bonfire going near the barn, just some old hay that had been spilled. Mom saw smoke, came and doused the flames then told me "YOU ARE TOO LITTLE TO BE PLAYING WITH MATCHES!"
      December 28, 2018 2:06 AM MST

  • 17036
    Dad played favourites. I vowed I'd never do the same.
    Mum never did anything low or insensitive, she was an angel. Now she's a literal one. I miss her.
      December 28, 2018 2:38 AM MST

  • 6098
    I don't know. People are the way they are and they have their reasons. Parents included.  They have their own tough times and have to deal with insensitivities of others.  I guess I don't believe in blaming our parents.  Not do I think being sanctimonious and judgmental passes for compassion. 

    My father was very successful and very unhappy. He had to continue selling on the road for the company he co-founded because so many people were depending on him. When he was home he mostly hung by himself and drank.  If I came in on him he would just fix me with a stony far-away stare.  I was his only daughter and he was uncomfortable relating to me, mostly going for the grand gesture of taking me out of school and whisking me in a chauffeur-driven car into New York City to take me to Broadway shows, restaurants, and later nightclubs.  He would bring objects home and patiently show me how they worked.  I don't recall him ever talking to my mother but they would go out to play the perfect couple at social and country club functions. 

    I was close to my mother growing up but she had grand expectations for me that I eventually knew I could never fulfill.  When I did not turn out beautiful she blamed me as well as herself and I can remember her looking at me and bursting into tears.  She became addicted to downers to "calm her nerves" so she could "cope".  She was hurt by the kind of life I chose for myself, leaving home at 17, and she never forgave me.  I was to her a pariah the rest of her life and for the remaining 30 years she never said anything good about me.  Or to me. This post was edited by officegirl at December 28, 2018 6:02 AM MST
      December 28, 2018 5:55 AM MST

  • My parents have never said anything like that to me. Of course there were times when my parents were frustrated with me, but they never took that as opportunity to make low blows. I realize how fortunate I was to be raised by them and I owe a lot to them. 
      December 28, 2018 10:38 AM MST

  • 17652
    When I was about 10 I asked my mother if she would ever get married again.  She said there was no market for a woman with two children.  I felt badly that I was the reason.  As an adult I don't know how she could have said it to me, but, I'm just glad to still have her around.  We have just moved her to be with us after not living close for years.  I'm enjoying it. 
      December 28, 2018 11:09 PM MST