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Maine wants to start a movement to get rid of the Electoral College. Wouldn't that make more sense than going after Russia?

Posted - March 4, 2019


  • 6023
    Not really.

    If the Electoral College worked as it was intended (as a "check and balance" on the popular vote), outside influence would be much more difficult.

    Honestly, such a thing would have prevented either Trump or Clinton from being elected.
      March 4, 2019 2:16 PM MST

  • 35039
    No, the electoral college forces a candidate to appeal to the entire country rather than just the most populous states.
      March 4, 2019 2:36 PM MST

  • maine barely deserves to call itself a state let's be honest here, it should be lucky it even gets to vote 
      March 4, 2019 3:06 PM MST

  • 17658
    Not bad, elon!
      March 4, 2019 3:26 PM MST

  • 17658
    That is not a choice we must make. 
      March 4, 2019 3:27 PM MST

  • 628
    Hello there Sharonna...
    Is Maine also willing to give up it's state legislature and Senators. That is what they are really asking for..
    The U.S is a union of 50 sovereign states, each with their own elected legislative, judicial and executive branches, who are elected by popular vote.
    It is the states that vote for the President, to uphold a states sovereignty in that vote, to give each state a vote, so basically the electoral system is to ensure that each state gets a vote, or a share of the college, which each state gets as many electors as they have Representatives in congress plus two for each senator. Each state has an election for the president. in most cases the popular winner takes all the electoral votes for that state, then those votes are tallied up and who ever gets the most electoral votes, win...We do this because we are a united group of separate states. What Maine wants is a direct democracy which pretty much dissolves state boundaries. If we are going to go straight democracy then there is no need for a senate or house as no local authority would be needed, all authority would then rest in the Federal government. The vote for president goes like this, in a nutshell. You vote, the tally of votes in your district, decide a winner in your district and that is 1 electoral vote (pledge), then the all the districts tally the winners of their respective districts, who ever gets the majority then wins the electoral vote for that state, then all those are tallied and viola, we have a President.
    Maine would probably have more an effect on the election having a higher percentage of the electoral vote, 4 out 538 than they would the percentage of a popular vote, 1.3 million out of 330 million (population)

      March 4, 2019 5:30 PM MST

  • 5835
    Eliminating the EC would make it a lot easier to hijack elections.
      March 4, 2019 5:43 PM MST

  • 22891
    not sure what they nnean by that
      March 10, 2019 4:56 PM MDT

  • 13277
    It would never be ratified by 38 states, so it'll never happen. Folks in Maine are wasting their time and effort.
      March 10, 2019 5:04 PM MDT