Discussion»Questions»Family» For those of us who have siblings, were you ever jealous of any of them when you were growing up? How about now as an adult? ~
I don't remember ever feeling jealous of my sister. I got in trouble a few times for things she did but, even as a kid, I saw that as a parental failure. Also, I didn't think I should have been responsible for her after school until mother got home from work.
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at January 25, 2020 8:01 AM MST
I was the eldest, but not the biggest - so I was a little envious. Younger siblings can expect to get hand-me-downs, getting hand-me-UPs is humiliating. I'm not jealous any more.
Ditto, except I have five brothers. Only my baby brother fails to tower over me. My sister is also short, but stocky - and my daughter looks exactly like her, only younger.
I have two brothers, one older and one younger. I am about an inch taller than my older brother, and about an inch and a half or two inches shorter than my younger brother. Go figure. ~
I have one younger sister. I wasn't really jealous of her because she was always getting into trouble. But I have to admit that she had a lot of boyfriends and I didn't .. so that did make me a little jealous.
Wow, I wonder if she was always getting into trouble because she had a lot of boyfriends, or if she always had a lot of boyfriends because she was getting into trouble, or if neither one of the two had anything to do with the other? ~
Yes sir, boyfriends did get her into trouble one way or another. She also diversified and got into trouble for lots of other things too. One reason, I was only a bit jealous. As adults, she might be a bit jealous of me because I have a long term happy marriage and stable life and hers has been a struggle.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 25, 2020 10:32 AM MST
Never jealous of my older Siblings given the age difference, 17 years between me and the oldest. I was the oops, baby, also ran
My oldest sibling was a Boomer Stereotype of an entitled train wreck. Imagine a funeral where the family members only showed up to make sure she was dead. The Sheriff and the local police showed up at the wake to make sure their workload was really lessened because she died. I suspect the local FBI agent was reassigned because now she was dead their was nothing left to investigate.
My other Siblings though they made money were nothing to be envious or jealous of. Their lives were ones of covetous greed and self absorption
End of my rant, thanks for listening....oops reading
This post was edited by Archerchef at January 27, 2020 7:48 AM MST