I spent half a day in jail because of a DUI. It wasn't so bad. Nobody bothered me. It was almost all 20 somethings in there. I was no threat or competition to them.
You'd have been better off chaining yourself to a Caterpiller... Like me,Sleeping large male Cattle can get quite aggressive if chain yourself to them.....:(
Oh yes, I remember that, Slartibartfast (if I switch the b and f and move the l so it follows the b, would that offend you?) Good for you! I've made some personal sacrifices for the greater good also.
When I was about 9, the local YMCA sponsored a tour of the local jail. My grandfather was in law enforcement and I was curious about jails.
I tend to be a little claustrophobic due to some experiences I had when I was about 4 or 5. The tour scared the bejesus out of me.
When I was in my 30's, the jail and the city offices were in the same building. I hit the wrong floor button and the elevator took me straight to the jail.
It seemed like the elevators took forever to close and take me down a floor to where I had intended to go.
yes. in 2016, i was homeless and i made a fire in a abandoned building. People saw smoke and called the police... when police caught me that night, they brought me to the police headquarters, and i stayed there an entire night until tomorrow... They eventually created a police file under my name... took a mugshot and took my fingerprints.
it sucked cuz i was jailed the whole night and it was loooong .
Not as a prisoner. I have been to the jail to talk to clients as an attorney or investigator/data collector, and in the earlier years as a court appointed advocate in family court.
Criminal law is not really my bag.
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at May 3, 2019 5:29 AM MDT