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Reading questions on here makes me wonder. Why are some Christians obsessed with Christianity?

They act as if Jesus is a live person and he and/or some other deity literally produced the Bible. Can anyone explain this?

Posted - May 18, 2019


  • 492


    Asking, "why are some Christians obsessed with Christianity?", is like asking, "why are some coin collectors obsessed with coins"?
    Jesus did not produce the bible, neither did some talking bush, nor He who's name is not pronounced except in prayer, by the sound of a sneeze.
      May 19, 2019 5:54 AM MDT

  • 5354
    Think of it from his wiewpoint. Christian becomes a part of his identity, his 'who am I' and that matter.

    It also point to his future: Upstairs in eternal bliss, or downstairs in a burning pool of stinky oil. forever and ever. what could possibly be more important than that. He just have to convince himself (and others (and god)) that he deserve a room upstairs.

    And finally the big one; "Go and make all men my disciples." Jesus said it, so it is a real important commandment. Unfortunately Jesus did not talk much about just how it should be accomplished. By displaying Christian qualities that people would admire and want to emulate?, or by by shooting a lot of people until the rest surrender and do as they are told. Both have been tried, over and over and over. And there are still some people who say "No, I don't think that is true" (How can they be so blind?).

    It has always been a problem, I think it always will be.
      May 19, 2019 6:02 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Good question.  CONTROL.   The exact thing that makes one a Christian, 'surrender the EGO to the Divine Consciousness and love your neighbor as you would yourself', is totally lost on these DEFENDERS of their IDEA of Christianity. 

    That idea, incidentally, changes; that love of what Christianity stands for. 

    Is it anti-other religions this time, or pro-missionary, to conquer all the ignorant areas of people who are starving, sick, ignorant and dying of poverty.  Give them food and a little preaching on the side.  Why not?  Brainwashing is the best.  If not?  We must KILL 'em all.  After all, it is God's will and if we don't kill off the queers and the heathens, we will cause the world to end.

    What chapter and verse is this again?  I'm sure its in there somewhere in the new, improved, re-written and re-edited (once more) version of the latest version of the King James' Version of the Queen's version or whatever passes for the TRUTH these days with those nutjobs.


    I NOMINATE ME FOR ASKER'S PICK. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at May 29, 2019 12:10 AM MDT
      May 19, 2019 8:07 AM MDT

  • 13277
      May 19, 2019 10:32 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Truth is the only thing that passes for truth in or on any day.

    Truth is the conformity of the mind to that which exists.

    Truth is the proper object of study.

    The human intellect cannot be put in possession of its object by some exterior agent that takes it there. There is for us no knowledge except our own knowledge, no truth except self-acquired truth

    One just has to begin with the correct assumptions.

      May 19, 2019 12:21 PM MDT

  • Same reason why Jews obsessed with Judaism? Muslims obsessed with Islam?  Same reason Hindus are obsessed with elephant monsters.

    That's what about.
      May 19, 2019 9:05 AM MDT

  • 22891
    cause they like it
      May 19, 2019 2:46 PM MDT

  • 1393

    Q "Reading questions on here makes me wonder. Why are some Christians obsessed with Christianity?
    They act as if Jesus is a live person and he and/or some other deity literally produced the Bible. Can anyone explain this?"

    If you were a deeply devout believer in the central doctrines of Christianity you too would be “obsessed” with Christianity or ecstatic about it. The more deeply devout your belief the more obsessed or ecstatic you would become.

    “Can anyone explain this?" you ask. I’ll try. Imagine the following encounter between a deeply devout Christian [DDC] and a potential convert [PC]:

    DDC: God tells us in His holy book, the Bible, that He is holy and He cannot have any sinful person in His presence. We all stand eternally condemned by Him because of our sins. [1]

    PC: But I’ve lived a completely moral life

    DDC: Maybe, but our father Adam sinned and, in God’s eyes, we are all inevitably born in that original sin. [2]

    PC: Oh. Well, I’ll make up for it. I’ll please God by leading an extra righteous life.

    DDC: All your righteousness will be like filthy rags to God. [3]

    PC: I’ll plead to God for forgiveness and humble myself in sackcloth and ashes for the rest of my life.

    DDC: The Bible tells us that there is no forgiveness from God without the shedding of blood. [4]

    PC: I’ll sacrifice animals for the rest of my life.

    DDC: Adam was sinless and thus a perfect man when he sinned. So, on a like for like basis, to atone for that sin God will only accept the sacrifice of a sinless and perfect man. [5]

    PC: I’d be prepared to sacrifice a newly born son.

    DDC: You forget that according to God we’re all born in sin. [6]

    PC: Oh. So there is no way out and the whole world stands eternally condemned by God.

    DDC: It would have, had it not been for the Good News. And the Good News is that God so loves the world that he gave His only begotten son to be the perfect, sinless human sacrifice who died on the cross to atone for our sins. All you have to do is accept that sacrifice as a free gift. [7]

    PC: Wow! What a wonderful gift. That is sooo gracious. We must make sure that every living person hears that incredible Good News.

    Hope that explains it.

      June 11, 2019 10:39 PM MDT