If I calculated it correctly, 43 hours - nearly every week for almost 10 years (except on my 1 week of vacation). I'd wake up at 1:20 (or earlier) tuesday morning, and finally got back to bed around 7 to 8 pm on wednesday. that was one part of my job that I do NOT miss!
With or without drugs? Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound or able to drive correctly? With or without sleep-deprivation hallucinations? I don't know the exact hours but I can say I have gone a whole lot longer than is reccommended for healthy and smart living. I'd say approx. 60+ hours. We are talking without any cat naps, right? Cat nap being 15 minutes or less.
This post was edited by Merlin at July 22, 2019 12:20 PM MDT