Discussion » Questions » Animals (Pets/ Domesticated) » Does your cat ever stare fondly at you thinking 'aren't you glad you got me instead of a dog'?

Does your cat ever stare fondly at you thinking 'aren't you glad you got me instead of a dog'?

My cat stares at me for a while sometimes and maybe that is what he is thinking. 

Posted - August 24, 2019


  • 8282
    What my cats don't realize is one of these days I'm getting "them" a little doggie to play with. 
      August 24, 2019 9:40 AM MDT

  • 11428
    No my cat stares at me fondly for getting her a bodyguard my dog has protected her a few times. Cheers and happy weekend!
      August 24, 2019 10:12 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Your cat stares at you fondly because your cat is fond of you.  It already knows it can kick any dogs a** if it likes.  It doesn't need you to have a dog and prove it.
    Cats do have a very good way of showing they love you.  Staring at you is one of them.  Then again, your cat could be staring at you wondering why it is you do the things you do.  I'm sure some things you do amaze your cat no end.  For you kittigate, it is a true act of fondness. :) :)
      August 24, 2019 2:03 PM MDT

  • 13395
    When he stares at me I often talk to him till he gets bored and falls asleep. 
      August 24, 2019 3:04 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I am cracking up!
    Do you wanna hear a bad cat joke?
    Just kitten!
     Try telling him some of these!  For sure he will go to sleep!

    Cats are some of the funniest creatures on earth. They sleep in the silliest places, climb to the craziest heights, and knock things off shelves with stunning consistency. And while we love our furry, friendly, and sometimes frisky BFFs, it’s sometimes necessary to have a laugh at their expense. Thanks to their hilarious personalities, cat jokes are in abundance, and we’ve got them all. Read on for everything from funny cat puns to cat jokes that will have you hissing with laugher. For the perfect gag to share with cat lovers and dog lovers (boo!) alike, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite cat jokes.

    1. What do cats like to eat on a hot day? A mice-cream cone!
    2. Why do cats always get their own way? They have a friendly purr-suasian!
    3. How do two cats end a fight? They hiss and make up!
    4. What should you use to comb a cat? A catacomb!
    5. What is a cat’s favorite movie? “The Sound of Mewsic!”
    6. How do you know a cat is agitated? He’s having a hissy fit!
    7. What’s a cat’s favorite magazine? Good Mousekeeping!
    8. Why did the cat wear a fancy dress? She was feline fine!
    9. What’s a cat’s favorite color? Purr-ple!
    10. Why was the cat afraid of the tree? Because of its bark!
    11. What did the cat say when it was confused? “I’m purr-plexed!”
    12. What’s a cat’s favorite dessert? Chocolate mouse!
    13. Where does a cat go when it loses its tail? The re-tail store!
    14. What do you call a cat that lives in an igloo? An eskimew!
    15. How do cats stop crimes? Claw Enforcement!
    16. Why was the cat so agitated? Because he was in a bad mewd!
    17. What types of cats go bowling? Alley cats!
    18. What do cats have to do in the morning? Read the mewspaper!
    19. How is cat food sold? Usually, purr the can!
    20. What do baby cats always wear? Diapurrs!
    cat jokesShutterstock
    1. Why are cats great singers? Because they’re very mewsical!
    2. Why can’t cats play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs!
    3. What’s another name for a cat’s house? A scratch pad!
    4. What should you say to your cat when you leave the house? “Have a mice day!”
    5. What do cats use to make coffee? A purr-colator!
    6. How does a cat decide what it wants from the store? It flips through the cat-alog!
    7. In what kind of weather is a vet the busiest? When it’s raining cats and dogs!
    8. What do you call a cat wearing shoes? A puss in boots!
    9. What type of cat works for the Red Cross? A first aid kit!
    10. Why are cats good at video games? Because they have nine lives!
    11. What state has a lot of cats and dogs? Petsylvania!
    12. What’s a cat’s favorite game to play with a mouse. Catch!
    13. What do you call a pile of kittens? A meowntain!
    14. What do cats eat for breakfast? Mice Krispies!
    15. Who was the first cat to fly an airplane? Kitty Hawk!
    16. How does a cat sing scales? Do-re-mew!
    17. Why did the cat eat the lemons? He was a sour-puss!
    18. What’s a cat’s favorite subject in school? Hisss-tory!
    19. What types of cats purr the best? Purrr-sians!
    20. What sports do cats play? Hairball.

      August 24, 2019 3:13 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I love cats of all kinds, ages, and looks! :) :)
      August 24, 2019 3:14 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Thank you! 
      August 24, 2019 3:19 PM MDT

  • 10026
    You're purrr-fectly welcome!
    Thank Meww for the AP!
    :) :)
      August 24, 2019 3:29 PM MDT

  • Bixby occasionally looks at me as if to ask, "How do we lose "The Goat"?
      August 24, 2019 3:33 PM MDT

  • 6988
    I have 2 of the fuzzy critters. As I changed my car's oil & filter tonight, they reminded me of their devotion by rubbing  and licking my head as I lay on the floor. 
      August 24, 2019 7:06 PM MDT

  • 13395
      August 24, 2019 10:36 PM MDT

  • 17095
    Cats are evil bastards. He's not thinking anything but "feed me or your curtains are history". If they had opposable thumbs, they'd wipe us out.
      August 25, 2019 12:44 AM MDT