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Are you someone who has NEVER used a treadmill before, either for running or walking? ~

Posted - November 19, 2019


  • 10026
    No. I much prefer to go be outside and get my exercise there.  Nature and even sidewalks have many stories to tell.  Most of the time I don't even know I am exercising.
    My lifestyle doesn't really need additional working out.  I jog because it relaxes me. Keeping me in shape is just an added benefit.
    The cardio thing I do in a controlled environment is swim.  Even then, I prefer to be outside.

      November 20, 2019 9:02 AM MST

  • 7789
    There's a reason I don't use a treadmill. The damn thing won't be able to hold my big a**. This post was edited by Zack at November 20, 2019 2:34 PM MST
      November 20, 2019 2:33 PM MST

  • 16618
    Never. I walk, or run, outdoors.
      November 20, 2019 4:09 PM MST

  • 33803
    We had one for a while. But is was loud and took too much room. So we sold it.

    We do currently have workout equipment in the garage now. Free weight and bench, a home gym and excercise bike.  No clothes are hanged on them as my son uses them regularly. 
      November 20, 2019 4:17 PM MST

  • 1893
    Nope on miserable days I will get my 10K in on a treadmill or the Eliptical
      November 20, 2019 9:35 PM MST