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What's up with the hostility for Mike Bloomberg? Do you seriously think he wouldn't be a much better president than Trump?

As a New Yorker who witnessed the fine job he did in 12 years as my mayor, I believe you all actually know very little about him and your comments are based on ignorant stereotypes of wealthy people and Jews.

Posted - November 28, 2019


  • 46117

    If he doesn't drop dead, I know Bernie Sanders is the best person to lead the country.  He has lived what he stood for and he is a brilliant activist.

    Bloomberg?  What does he stand for?  What has he done?  He is a backpeddling liar.  That is all he is.

    In 2001, the legendary Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett wrote of Bloomberg’s “sexual blind spot,” summing up the toxic, obnoxious remarks Bloomberg allegedly made. As mayor, he was known to mock the hair coloring and style choices of the female City Council speaker, as noted in a story in which he was heard saying “look at the ass on her” about another woman. 

    All this, and more, will be scrutinized again in the course of a presidential run. 

    That said, let’s examine the Bloomberg campaign from a distance, with an eye toward demographics and math. Bloomberg is not popular nationally and would have an incredibly hard time qualifying for TV debates in 2019. And despite Biden’s muddled debate performances and disturbing history—supporting the Iraq War, fighting efforts to desegregate schools through busing, and shilling for the credit-card industry—he retains the strong backing of older African-American voters, thanks to the eight years he spent as Barack Obama’s vice president. He is a consistent poll leader in South Carolina, a state with a black electorate that will ultimately matter more than Iowa because it resembles other Southern states that will vote soon after. Biden averages 35 percent in the Palmetto State, almost 20 points ahead of the rest of the field. 

    Warren and Sanders, who have campaigned extensively there, have some hope of cutting into Biden’s lead. Bloomberg doesn’t. As mayor of New York for 12 years, where he notched some serious accomplishments, he was rarely embraced by African-American voters, especially as incidents of police stop-and-frisks skyrocketed dramatically on his watch. Bloomberg, a bullish supporter of a militarized police force bent on harassing people of color, was unrepentant: as recently as last year, he defended his record, claiming “the people, the voters, want low crime.” His approval rating among black voters, unlike that of the oft-derided Mayor Bill de Blasio, was consistently underwater.


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 28, 2019 5:53 PM MST
      November 28, 2019 5:43 PM MST

  • 53624

      You champion and lionize your left-wing demigod, William Jefferson Clinton, which requires ignoring and/or dismissing his inappropriateness toward women, right?  Oh wait, he was framed, I keep forgetting. Never mind. 
      November 28, 2019 6:35 PM MST

  • 13277
    But Sanders, like Warren, is too much of an extreme lefty to have a chance to win the general election. And the Village Voice, since gone defunct, always had an ax to grind with all politicians except those on the far left. Bloomberg having been elected as a Republican didn't help. And a mayor's approval rating in the black community is anything but a measure of his effectiveness. Being married to a black woman and having interracial kids is why DeBlasio is so popular with that demographic, but he has been a lousy mayor.
      November 28, 2019 6:54 PM MST

  • 46117
      November 28, 2019 6:24 PM MST

  • 53624
    Oh wait, you base you "information" on what you glean from the biased liberal left media and its so-called comedy/entertainment arm?  Heck, as long as you have them to tell you what to think, what to believe and what to say, why the heck would you even need a brain at all? 
      November 28, 2019 6:32 PM MST

  • 44732 are correct and I know little about him. Please enlighten us? I am too lazy to research. I do know he worked for his wealth and respect.
      November 28, 2019 6:46 PM MST

  • 13277
    I believe I summed it up in the question.
      November 28, 2019 6:55 PM MST

  • 44732
      November 29, 2019 9:11 AM MST

  • 34924
    He banned the purchase of a large soda....NOT government's place. 
    He implemented "stop and frisk" and made no apologies for his useage....until he decided to run for President. 

    He is ant-gun.
    He is pro-choice. 

    He own a news outlet. That has been instructed not to investigate Bloomberg. And now not to investigate any Dems but they will continue to investigate Trump.  This is not news....this is an oppo-research firm. 

    These are enough for me to rule out voting for him.  And it has NOTHING to do with his Jewish ancestry. 
      November 28, 2019 7:17 PM MST

  • 53624
    for his useage its usage

     ant-gun anti-gun

    He own a He owns

    outlet. That has outlet that has
    outlet that has been
    [It‘s one continuous sentence, not two separate ones.]

    Comma after the word “Dems”. 


      November 29, 2019 4:01 PM MST

  • 4624
    Thanks Stu.
    I agree with you about the stereotyping of rich people.
    There is as much variety among the rich is there is among any other group of people. It's nothing but prejudice to assume that all rich people are in some way evil or morally corrupt.

    As for the prejudice against a Jew - I seriously hope that that will not prove to be the case.
    Yet I recognise that antisemitism does exist in the States, in some places at lethal levels.
    I remember one taxi-driver over here (an immigrant from Lebanon) claiming that the 9/11 strikes were a plot by Israel to discredit Islam. I replied, 'that's odd since many of the people working in the World Trade Centre were Jews. Many of them sent money to support Isreal. I know this because they are relatives of friends of my husband - and they are flying to NY for the funerals. Why would Israel attack its own supporters?' He shut up after that. Hopefully, my comments might have helped him think twice. 
    One has only to listen on Youtube to Marshal Rosenberg's harrowing experiences as a boy to see how bad it can get.

    But maybe things are changing for the better.
    Having Obama in power was evidence that race does not necessarily prevent a citizen from becoming POTUS.
    And we must hope that Hilary's failure was due to her email indiscretions, not because she was a woman.
    Obama and Hilary demonstrate that people from outside the mainstream of power can have a chance in the States.
    Let us hope they were not just one-off freaks or exceptions that slipped up through the cracks of social bars.
      November 28, 2019 7:20 PM MST

  • 46117
    NO one is talking about people of wealth.  That is insipid.  It is always met by people who have money as something that those who criticize some rich old fart as a non-feeling old rotten to the core jerk, are jealous of.

    Get real.  There are so many people who are wealthy that are JUST fine.  They earned the right to enjoy life and I applaud them for it.

    How can you have sympathy for a figure that you know very little about and just MAKE him OKAY because YOU WANT him to be okay. HE IS a jerk and he is a danger to the White House.  i can cite many examples. They will fall on deaf ears if you agree with Stu on this one.

    1,  First of all, he will never be elected. He has no chance. No one will back him unless he greases a lot of palms.  What a great leader.

    2.  He keeps lying about what he did in the past.  That makes me totally turned off.  Just like Biden. I don't want a liar.   I have had it with that noise.

    3.  He is out of touch with what is needed in this country, plain and simple.  What did he do for New York that was so fantastic?    I know he did a lot for his rich friends.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 28, 2019 7:35 PM MST
      November 28, 2019 7:32 PM MST

  • 13277
    I have told you in other posts what he did well as mayor - his job, much better than Bill DeBlasio is doing it. It entails mundane but important day-to-day things like sanitation, snow removal, and the rates of crime and homelessness. They all add up to quality of life in the city, which, as I said, was better with him in City Hall than DeBlasio.
      November 29, 2019 9:44 AM MST

  • 19937
    I agree that Bloomberg was a far better Mayor of New York City than DeBlasio.  Then again, Miss Piggy would be a better mayor than DeBlasio.  I didn't like the fact that Bloomberg engineered himself a third term as mayor.  That was a no-no and he had no business deciding what size soda you could buy, but I do like the fact that he's pro-choice and pro-gun control.  He is fiscally responsible and a moderate.  I also believe that being a self-made billionaire, he understands business and the economy far better than Trump and probably the three top Democrats.  I don't hold his wealth against him.  Having said all that, I don't think he has a chance at the presidency.  
      November 29, 2019 12:59 PM MST

  • 13277
    I posted the question because I sense a lot of ignorance about Bloomberg and his motivation in running. As a former mayor, I am sure that he is better prepared for the presidency than any senator.
      November 29, 2019 2:35 PM MST

  • 19937
    You're right - a lot of people don't know how much good he did.  When you run a City as complicated and large as NYC, it prepares you for a lot.  Frankly, I think a lot of folks wouldn't vote for him because he's Jewish.  They may not admit it, but I do think it factors in.
      November 30, 2019 6:43 AM MST

  • 13277
    Indeed. That was one of the points of my question.
      November 30, 2019 7:27 AM MST

  • 34924
    Myself his being Jewish is a plus in his column.  That is the only plus I can give him though. 

    That he cleared the streets of snow, made the trash run correctly, is just not enough for me.   President will not be handling such things. 
    I do not know how he handled homeless problem but I know he is on his apology tour for how he handled crime. (Stop and Frisk)
      November 30, 2019 8:11 AM MST