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Discussion » Questions » Fill in the Blank » Do you wear glasses? If so, what do you find are the worst hassles about them?

Do you wear glasses? If so, what do you find are the worst hassles about them?

What are your do's and don'ts about taking care of them
and helping them last as long as possible without damage?

What are the big no-no's that cause the greatest risk of damage?

Posted - November 28, 2019


  • 46117
    ME.  I am the worst hassle about them.  If I have to have something that I take on and off that I do not wear every second?  I'm going to put it down and I am very absent-minded.  I will spend a lot of time not finding them when I need them.  I have readers and contact lenses permanently embedded in my eyeballs.  So, I am always losing the glasses.  So many of them get broken or misplaced, I just get them from the dollar store.  By way of explanation, since you may not know this little fact, when one has contact lens implants, one has to choose between being nearsighted or far-sighted.  I chose far-sighted so I would not have to wear glasses as much.  After all, that is the point of the lenses in the first place.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 4, 2019 6:12 AM MST
      November 28, 2019 10:45 PM MST

  • 4624
    The same!
    I don't have the contacts - but I have the dime-store readers scattered about everywhere - colour coded for distance or close-up.

    My husband, who's had glasses since early childhood, has no trouble looking after them. Without thinking, he automatically puts them away in a case whenever he's not wearing them. He's normally scatter-brained and disorganised - loses almost everything except his glasses.

    Yet I, who used to have 25-20 vision until I hit 40, find great difficulty in adapting to my flawed vision and the contraptions I need in order to function. It drives me dippy.

    I've heard of retinal implants but not contact lens implants.
    Were they expensive?
    What was the operation like to go through?
    What was the recovery time?
    Were your eyes sore or painful at first?
    Are they comfortable enough to forget you have them?
    Do they need special drops for lubrication or cleaning?
      November 28, 2019 10:59 PM MST

  • 14795
    Men tend to need glasses at 40/45 years onwards, female tend to need them at 45/50 depending on where you live in the world, if you live on or close to the equator or very hot bright sunny countries ,it tends to effects both sexes far quicker.....
    All bright lights damage eyes......even the light bulbs that use light from the blue end of the spectrum far safer to buy  bulbs that use the red end of the light spectrum..  
    So many 12V  Dia chronic light build damage people's eyes ,yet they still manafacture them in their millions... 
      November 28, 2019 11:21 PM MST

  • 4624
    I do indeed live in a country where the light is intense almost every day of the year - Australia.
    I also live in a relatively hot climate - subtropical.
    I did wear sunglasses and a hat when outdoors for most of my life.
    I find it harder now. Fitover sunglasses are very heavy and a wide-brimmed hat won't stay on easily over two pairs of glasses, especially when the wind blows.

    Didn't know that about blue-spectrum light.
    That creates a conundrum since most greenhouse-gas-reducing LED lights come in blue-white.
    Would it prevent damage if one used a yellow filter?

      November 29, 2019 1:18 AM MST

  • 14795
    That I don't know I'm afraid....I do know that people that work in shops that have far to many bright Dia  chronic lights of the wrong type have eye damage being done to them on a daily basis though....
      November 29, 2019 4:53 AM MST

  • 17088
    Only for distance - they actually make my close vision worse. I do what bookworm's husband does, put them away when I'm not using them.
      November 29, 2019 12:25 AM MST

  • 11591
    Even though I only really need them for reading and just one eye needs correction for distance (although I can legally drive without correction), I opted to get progressive lens and wear them all the time. I put them on in the morning and remove them at night. I found it much easier that getting out the readers all the time. My biggest hassle is keeping the lenses clean. I have no idea why they are always smudged - I am not aware of touching the lenses and I clean them frequently. This post was edited by Jane S at December 4, 2019 6:14 AM MST
      November 29, 2019 5:58 AM MST

  • I don't see any problems.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 4, 2019 6:11 AM MST
      November 29, 2019 10:27 AM MST

  • 6023
    Water ... I find it highly annoying to get water on my glasses.
    Not only does it change the focus in that drop area, it leaves behind a residue when it dries.

    Which leads to my second complaint ... finding a good cleaning solution.
      November 29, 2019 2:41 PM MST

  • 53699

      No I do not.  For the first 39 (approximately) years of my life, I was blessed with astonishingly sharp and clear vision.  I am reluctant to call it 20/20 vision, because I am not only unsure if that designation is accurate beyond laymen's terminology, I am equally unsure if that's exactly what I had.  All I know is that from birth I could see very well.  I recall an incident when I was in my early twenties and serving in the military.  My unit was in the field and we were moving on foot at a land navigation course covering several miles of territory in a day's time.  I was picking out landmarks and reading signs in the distance without using binoculars, my fellow Marines kept asking me how I could see so far.  They thought I was tricking them, that I had come out the day before and previewed the place, but that wasn't so.
      My wife had experience with wearing glasses; when she was in her mid twenties, she had allergy problems that caused her eyes to water all the time, and she was also sensitive to lights.  A doctor prescribed glasses, primarily for watching TV, but after a few weeks or months of wearing them, her problems dissipated to the point she didn't need or use the glasses any more.
      Years later at age 41, my vision began to get blurry at long distances, was also out of focus, and sometimes my eyes felt tired even though I was not, I was fully rested.  Right about the same time, my wife also began having renewed problems with her eyes whenever she read.  We went to the local drugstore and bought the cheapo reading glasses for about $1 US per pair.  They worked perfectly for my wife.  They didn't do a darn thing for me.  
      I went to an eye doctor to be examined, and sure enough, the doctor told me that it was normal for people of my age to begin developing problems of diminished vision, and that I would need corrective lenses for seeing things in the distance, but not for close up, such as reading.  She explained to me that the cheap $1 ones were out of the question, I needed prescription lenses, she gave me the option of contacts or glasses, and the decision was for the latter.
      I started off with five pairs, each one cost quite an amount of money, I can't remember how much.  I needed them to drive and for seeing other things at long distances, so I kept a pair on my person, one in each of our cars, one at home and one at work.  I need to say that I am notorious for losing things, and sure enough, I was shuffling one spare after another as I lost or misplaced my glasses.   Sitting on them was another common problem.  Also , I can't stand carrying bulky things in my pockets, so for a while I tried the glasses chain, but my coworkers began to call me Granny, and I felt like a granny myself, so that soon petered out.  I went back to leaving them behind, losing them, sitting on them, etc.  Before a year was out, I bought three more pairs, but soon my numbers were down again.  By the time my one-year checkup came, the prescription changed, so I started all over again paying for newer glasses.  The losses and damages continued.
      Fast forward four years.  With changing prescriptions and replacing casualty glasses, I was getting fed up with the costs.  That's when I went in for LASIK, even though it was expensive (about $4,000), if would cut out the need for glasses and the need for constantly replacing them.  IF it worked, that is. That doctor determined that I was a perfect candidate, and good news, I only needed the surgery in one eye, cutting the cost in half ($2,000).  The surgery went fine, and when the bandages were off, I drove my wife crazy with my constant two-word exclamation following everything I looked at anew: "It's amazing!" I couldn't believe the difference, it was even better than glasses, and almost as if my youthful vision had been restored to me.  Not quite the exact same as my first 40 years, but so close that it made it all worthwhile.  I actually regretted not having tried LASIK first; it had been suggested to me, but I had balked at the price.  In reality, especially with the fact that I only needed it in one eye, I would have saved a lot of money over four years.
      So to answer your question more precisely, I do not wear glasses any longer, and I'm much better for it.
      My do's and don'ts cover being careful not to lose them, leave them behind at places, break them, sit on them, etc.  I also took good care of the lenses, never placed the glasses lens-down, used a glasses case, cleaned them according to instructions, got follow-up exams, replaced them according to new prescriptions, etc.

      How about you, what is your story of wearing glasses?

      June 22, 2020 11:37 PM MDT